Chapter 11

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The weeks seemed to fly past, we was knocking on Adam's front door for Lexies birthday party.

"Layne!" Lexie shouted before pulling Layne into a tight cuddle, her blonde shiny hair falling over Laynes shoulders

"Happy birthday best friend!" Layne beamed as she cuddled Lexie back

I smiled up at Adam as he watched our girls giggle.

I held up Layne birthday present which was covered in pink princess wrapping paper up to Adam to take his hazel eyes landing on me as he shook his head "You didn't need to do that,"

I pushed the present against his chest gently "Oh shh, Layne picked it out her self, honestly we wanted too." Layne wanted to get Lexie the new rapunzel princess doll that was out, I ended up leaving the store with two of them as Laybe begged she needed one aswell.

Adam showed me a warm smile before taking the present out of my hands, our fingers brushing against eachothers in the process sending a small chill down my spine.

"Thank you, she hasent stopped asking when yous would get here," He chuckled before leading us all into the living room.

Dylan stood behind me for a few seconds until he spotted Daniel standing by the table that was filled with party food, he kissed the side of my cheek before walking over to Daniel, they immediately fell into conversation, no doubt I'd wouldnt see him anymore, they'd be upstairs on the playstation.

As I took a quick glance around Adam's living room all I sore was smiling faces of adults and children. The decorations were all princess themed, unwrapped presents piled in the corner of the room waiting for Lexie to tear them open.

There was music playing low in the background, it was Disney themed of course which made me smile, Layne would soon be singing along word for word to each song. She loved princesses just as much as Lexie.

I stood by the door way of the living room feeling a little anxious, I didn't know anyone here, they must have been Adam's family and friends, I felt so out of place. I wanted to leave already but that wouldn't be fair to the children so I sucked in a deep breath and took a few steps towards the silver crushed velvet sofa. The girls were holding hands whilst dancing, there sweet little voices singing along to 'the little mermaid song'.

"Aren't they just adorable," A lady sitting next to me said, she wore a small smile as he watched the girls dancing.

"Sure are," I said through laughter.

"I'm kelly, Adam's mother." I peeked over at her, she had bright hazel eyes, bleached blond hair. She was very attractive for an older lady. Adam definitely got his mothers looks.

"Millie," I said through a small smile.

"Pleasure to meet you dear, Adam has mentioned you a few times." She said through a wide smile flashing her pearly whites at me.

Oh god.

"Good things I hope," I giggled trying to hide my nerves.

"Of course!" She beamed. "It seems you have become good friends,"

Was we friends?

I suppose we was, I've told him more about my life than I have to anyone else.
Our children get on well so yeah maybe we are friends.

Wow, my first friend in years.

"Yeah, I suppose we have." My vision locked onto my knotted hands.

Adam walked into the living room with who cups in his hand before approaching us.

He bent down a little before smiling "Cup of coffee, one sugar." I took the cup instantly out of his hands "Thank you," I threw a wide grin his way.

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