Chapter 8

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I watched Millie and her children pull away from my drive way and off into the night, feeling a ache beginning to form inside my hollow chest. I haven't felt much feelings lately due to my own heart break but that was changing everytime my hazel eyes met those bright clear blue ones.

How could anyone want to hurt her? I kept asking myself over and over, why would anyone want to kill the light that shined around her?

Hell, I hardly know Millie but each time I saw her I wanted to know more about her, I had already made a few bullet point that's stored into the back of mind waiting patiently to be remembered.

She liked coffee. She had a dimple on the left side of her cheek when she wore her genuine smile. She always smelt like sweet frest fruit and mint. It was becoming one of my favourite smells. Her eyes always lit up when she spoke about Dylan and Layne. Anyone could tell they was her world and what a wonderful mother she was. Layne spoke about her mother constantly but never really her father though, I couldn't understand that. How could their father not want to be around them? I would never give up on my children, I'd happily walk through every milestone with them. That's what being a parent means.

I'd never met the bloke and I already despised him.

I walked back into the kitchen, our two empty cups caught my attention, she had left the imprint of red lipstick against the cup which made me smile. I placed both cups into the sink, letting out a frustrated sigh.

Why the fuck was her boyfriend hurting her, she wasn't married couldn't have been, I've never seen a wedding ring sparkling against her warm gentle hands.

Anger was beginning to knot at the bottom of my stomach as the imagine of Millie's neck replayed in my mind, he must have squeeze tight enough to leave his fucking finger prints.

Fucking asshole.

And what did she mean when she said it won't happen again, how the hell does she know that?

Have the kids seen anything?
They didn't mention it when I asked some questions about there mother.
I'll admit I felt guilty about using her children to know a little more about her but she was so closed off, never opened up it was hard to know anything about her, but then again I'm the same.

Since my wife Kelly died I shut the world out, all that mattered was Daniel and Lexie, I wanted to go off the rails, I hated and blamed everyone but deep down it wasn't something anyone could control.

Cancer is a deadly fucking snake that will eventually release it's venom into your veins watching you take your last breath with a fucking smile.


I was now looking at picture Millie was looking at earlier, the four of us, that was a good day, we was happy. A care free day as Kelly use to always say.
God I missed her so fucking much.
I missed everything about her, but I've learnt to deal with pain, to walk through it each day.

She's been gone four years now, four fucking years. Lexie was so younge, barely a year old and she was motherless, I always keep pictures around the house of Kelly trying to keep her memory alive for our children, I always told them mummy loves them when they was tuck in to bed each night. Daniel was only six so he was still so little aswell, it was hard trying to deal with losing your wife and taking care of your two small children, but my mother was great, the biggest help I could ever ask for. I couldn't thank her enough for pulling through the dark whole I manage to dig myself in.

I smiled as the memory of that day plays out in my mind, Kelly was my first love, we met in reception, we was pretty much inseparable then, as time went by I knew I loved her, the minute we was of age to marry we did. I didn't want to wait around for her to realise she was too good for me I had to claim her as my mine.

Life doesn't always work out the way we want it too, I've learnt that the hard way but I know Kelly is with the angels smiling down on us.

I felt guilty for feeling the way I do when I'm around Millie, she has his natural glow about her that changes your mood instantly, her little button nose that you could so easily kiss the tip off. Her full plump lips looking so juicy and tempting.

The guilt pulsing through my body as the thoughs come rushing in, my heart had always belonged to Kelly undoubtedly but I can't deny the way my heart flutters when Millie smiles up at me with those piercing blue eyes. I've never smiled so much as I have this past week or so, it's not even forced like it normally is, its completely natural.

I feel like shes slowly pieces the broken pieces of me back together.

The minute I looked at her by the front door I wanted to pull her into me, to wrap my arms around her and tell her your safe. The rage I felt by seeing the marks on her neck and face made me feel sick.

You never lay your hands on a women.

I couldn't bare watching her leave straight away that's why I invited her to stay for coffee anything to keep her away from the scumbag she calls her other half. I wanted to wrap my hands round his fucking neck see how powerful he felt then, to bruise my finger prints into his skin as a constant reminder for him. Bastard.

Lexie stopped my thinking as she threw her arms around my legs looking up at me. "Daddy?" She beamed

"Yes angel," I chuckled down at my girl she looked exactly like her mother, I'll always be thankful for that. Kelly may not be around anymore but she left me Lexie in her place.

"I'm hungry."

I drew in a loud gasp with wide eyes, I started tickling Lexie who's giggles echoed around the kitchen walls.

"You've, just eaten afters!" I said through laughs as I continued to tickle my baby girl.

"Please Daddy!" She screamed through giggles.

I chuckled once more before pulling my hands away from her belly.

"Fine," I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl that was place on the side before shifting my body back to my daughter.

She beamed before taking the banana and went running off into the living room "Thank you daddy!" She shouted.

I made myself another cup of coffee, I needed something stronger but I never drank around the children so caffeine would have to do for now.

I couldn't stop thinking about Millie and the kids, I had to make sure they was okay. "Fuck it." I muttered to myself before pulling my phone out to text the women that deserved so much fucking better.

Millie, its Adam. I'm sorry for texting you, just wanted to make sure you are okay x

I read the text over three times making sure it sounded okay, I wanted to write so much more. Call me, let me hear your voice, but of course that would sound like I was some sort of fucking weirdo, so simple and to the point seemed like the best fit.

I turned the volume button up on my phone to make sure I didn't miss a text or call from Millie before collecting the children for bedtime.

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