Chapter 10

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The weekend seemed to fly past, it was already monday morning. Layne, Dylan and I spent most of the weekend out of the house which was nice I didn't want to spend the whole day indoors theres only so long you can be surrounded by walls for. We had a picnic in the park saturday lunch time and yesterday I took the children out for dinner. The weekend consumed of just us three and I loved every minute of it.

I kissed and hugged my babies as I watched them run off into there classrooms, Adam stood by my side the entire time looking extremely handsome may I add, I tried to hide my blushed cheeks from him as he asked all about my weekend, he told me he spent most of his weekend working at his family restaurant so his mother looked after Daniel and Lexie.

He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. His dark messy hair falling in front of his forehead, those deep hazel eyes scanning over me which made me blush a little more.

We was now walking in sync to our cars before I was stopped by Adam's hand gently tugging at the bottom of my dark grey cardigan. I looked up at him through thick lashes.

"Would you like to go get a coffee?" Hearing his deep husky voice sent a small chill down my spine.

My eyebrows were drawn together as I carried on searching his gorgeous face.
"What, now?" I asked.

He let out a small chuckle "Yeah, unless your busy?" He cocked his head to the side waiting for my response.

I shrugged my shoulder before shaking my head. "I'm free,"

He showed me that smile of his that always seemed to make my heart flutter a little. "Perfect,"

We walked across the road together before entering the small coffee shop, Adam opened the door for me, I showed him a small smile before taking a seat against the window, I liked looking at the people walking by.

"What would you like?"

I bit down on my bottom lip for a second trying to decide if I wanted a cappuccino or a black coffee. The moments passed and I knew Adam wouldn't wait forever, I was so indecisive I got on my own nerves at times.

"Erm... surprise me?"

Adam shook his head before letting out another small chuckle, "Okay."

Honestly I wasnt even sure why I said that.... how would he know what coffee I liked? I guess I'd have to just and see what he brings.

A couple of minutes later Adam placed a steamy hot cup in front of me wearing a small smile. "Hope you like it," he took a seat opposite me, his eyes searching my face as his hands laced around his own cup.

I could smell almond instantly as the steam off the cup surrounded me. I smiled to myself, I loved almond.

"I love it." I confessed

Adam let out a loud chuckle, "How do you know, you haven't even tried it yet?" He asked, his head tilted to one side.

"I can smell the almond." I stated as I brough the cup up to my lips to take my first small sip. Mmmm. My taste buds were thanking me as the warm liquid entered my mouth.

"I'm pleased you like almond, I was going to get a normal coffee but that's a little boring right, I mean.. we can just make that at home."

I showed him a small nod in agreement before bring the red cup back down to the table. "What did you get?" I asked keeping my voice low.

"Same as you," A smirk now present on his face.

"Seems we have something in common," I brough the cup to my lips to take another sip.

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