Chapter 30

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I woke up to loud bangs and shouting outside my front door. What the fuck.

I jumped out of bed, grabbed my dressing gown and ran straight into the kids room to check on them, I let out a small sigh of relief when i saw them in there beds sleeping peacefully.

I rushed down the stairs and opened the door to find Calvin looking pale and out of breath, he was walking up and down my path running his hands through his hair.

What the fuck did he want.

"What do you want?" I hissed

How the hell did he know where I lived?

"Adam oh fuck, this is bad I need your help." He spoke so quickly I had a hard job keeping up with his words

I crossed my arms against myself and pulled the front door towards me making sure he couldn't inside the house.

"Why would I help you?" I asked trying to hold my laughter in, did he really think he come show up at my house and expect my help after everything his done.

"I need seven grand Adam like right now, I'll pay you back I swear I just need it," he stopped moving and looked up at me with watery eyes.

What the fuck has he done?

"Calvin, I ain't giving you a penny I don't wanna be apart of whatever shit you've gotten into now, now please fuck off." I tried closing the front door but he pushed his foot in the way preventing me from doing so. Now he was pissing me off, I swung the front door back open, took a step towards him ready to give him a peace of my mind.

"I said fu--"

"Please, listen I don't wanna be here as much as you don't want here but I need seven grand right this second or Millie and the kids are-- oh god." Tears were running down his face as he sucked in a breath and took a quick glance at his watch.

I held my hands infront of me trying to register what he had just said, did he just say Millie and the kids, why did he need seven grand for them?

"I'm listening, you better start talking and quick Calvin." I said blunty

He shook his head at me "I haven't got time to explain, I've now got five minutes Adam, do you have the money or not!" He was now shouting, he was beginning to scare me, what the fuck was going on.

"Yes I have the money, now keep your voice down before you wake up my kids,"

I could see the relief wash over his face "Oh thank god, quick Adam I'm running out of time, hurry and get it." He looked at his watch once more.

"No," I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"What do you mean no but you just sai--"

"I know what I said Calvin but I'm not laying any money in your hands, for all I know your lying just to get the money." My nostrils were now flared as I felt the anger begin to wash over my body.

"Jesus fucking christ I'm not lying," he let out a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose before continuing "I ow some bad people that money Adam, there with Millie now doing god know what if I dont hurry up with that fucking money!" He continued to shout.

They had Millie, where was the kids? What the fuck had he done. The selfish prick put them in danger.

I immediately swung for him I couldn't contain my temper anymore, I felt like a volcano that had finally erupted.

Calvin jumped back and grabbed hold of my fist."You can punch me later I promise, hell I'll do it for you but can we please stop wasting time. I need that money to save them."

I took a step back feeling like I was about to turn into the hulk I still didnt trust him but i didn't have any other choice if Millie really was in danger then I needed to save her. "Wait here," I grunted at him before running back into the house, I rushed into the garage, pulled the books off the book case allowing them to fall onto the floor and dragged out my safe, I typed in the code and unlocked it I grabbed the correct amount of money and ran back to Calvin. I looked down at the money then up to him feeling like this was a bad idea.

If I didn't have my children laying in bed asleep I would have drove straight to Millies myself with the money but I couldn't leave my children so I had to swollow the anger and fear and hand it over to this asshole.

Calvin eyes widened when he saw the wode of cash in my hands, "Thank you, I'll pay you back I swear."

I pulled the money away from him before tilting my head to the side "Where are they?" I asked

"At home, his there now with them."

"Who is he?"

"Adam what part of I don't have time for this don't you understand, he will kill them if I don't turn up."

I heard enough I practually threw the money in his hands and watched him run back to his car and speed down the road. I rushed back into the house threw some clothes on and rang my mum explaining she needed to come to the house urgently. I couldn't just sit here and wait I needed to be there for her, I didnt want her falling into his arms I knew he still loved her so he would protect her and the kids but that didnt mean I could sit back and wait for a phone call to let me know if they was okay or not.

I felt sick with worry I couldn't sit down my mind was running a thousand miles an hour as I kept thinking of Millie and the kids, what the fuck had Calvin done to ow them so much money and worst of all how did they know where Millie lived.

I spotted my mother walking up to the door through the window, I grabbed my car keys and jacket and swung open the door I kissed my mothers cheek and told her I couldn't explain that the kids were sleeping and to wait until I called.

"I'm coming baby," I muttered to myself as I hopped in my car and ran past every single red light until I was parked up outside Millies house. I saw Calvin's car and began to panic, shit he really wasnt lying there was a part of me that hoped he was that way Millie and the kids wouldn't be in danger right now.

Once this was over with I swear I was going to hurt him I've had enough of his shit.

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