My fate Reveled 2

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Its Monday. A couple of weeks before yesterday, there was a computer problem at Clawed Highschool. Therefore all the students got their wrong schedule. Honors students were put in basic classes and basic students were put in honors classes. 2/3 of the whole school were put in wrong classes. I was one of the 2/3. Damion however was one of the 1/3 of students that were put in their correct classes. Damion was a basic student. I had 3 periods with him. Math, science, and homeroom. At the time things were awkward between us. He found new friends and we were his old friends. We didn't talk till students finaly got their correct sceduals 2 weeks later.

Its a cool morning. Birds chirped as I walked on the sidewalk were brown and green leaves fell. Clawed Highschool was about 1 block away from my house. People think its weird for a junior to be walking to school instead of diving there new Camry or Honda or even riding there bikes or motorcycles. But to be honest I found walking and noticing the beautiful nature our city left behind more relaxing than driving. At times when im late i ride my bike sometimes even for fun. At my house I have 3 cars. One is a Lexus that belonged to my mother. The other one was a 1997 Camry. And the last car was a 2014 Camry which was the car my mom bought me for my 17th birthday.

When I made it to school all the juniors and seniors. Parked their cars and hanged out in there own groups. There was the hippy group that drive rainbow vans. Good gurlys that drove a Camry or hoodless cars. Bad gurlys that got rides from jocks or popular guys who drove muscle cars. The nerds that ride bikes or even a simple car. And there was the regulars that drove BMWs or just simple cars like a Toyota or Honda. I was part of the regulars. As I walked to my friends I saw Damion. He was smiling, laughing and just talking with his friends. I wanted to go over to him but I felt scared. When I finally got my courage I saw someone next to him. I wasn't sure who it was and when i was about to see the person the bell rang and a crowd of kids blocked my way and i walked to class. After school me and my friend were planning to go to the computer café again. We waited in the front of the school for our other friends that were in band to come out. As we waited I saw Damion. We met eyes and i walked over to him. I gave him a hug and asked him something that ruined my whole life.

"Do u wanna go on a date?" I said.

And he answered, "Im sorry but, im not single." my heart stopped and i let him go then I looked at him.

"But I thought you said you were single on Friday." I said with a shaky voice.

"I was but I was asked out yesterday. I couldn't say no cause me and her are good friends. I wouldn't want anything to change between us. Im sorry." said Damion. I looked down and walked away. Me and my friends didn't go to the computer café that day. And me and my 3 friends went over to Ally's house and Aniela and Emmy comforted me as I cried to Ally's house.

***Damion's POV***

I feel bad for Jade. I really like her but...I had to go out with Emma. Its a good opportunity for me to get back at Laurence. After what he did to me, I can't forgive him so easily without a fight.

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