Moments of Life 3

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Its been 2 weeks. Everything in the world is different without him. Damion. Almost all the leaves of the tree that dropped brown and green leaves on the sidewalk is gone. Less cars passed by as I walked to school. I haven't rode my bike in 3 weeks. Its rusting outside of my house. It was left outside. Not taken care of. Or even used. That bike that I once rode on the days of my "happiness". We no longer go to the computer café. We no longer talk. We no longer hug. We no longer looked. At least he didnt.

Its the first Thursday of October. I walked to school. Leave blowers blew leaves away. No cars passed by. My backpack seems to be even heavier than usual. When I made it to schooling saw him...with her. I ignored and just kept on walking. As I walked football players got around me.

"Hey sweaty. What wrong?" said the boy in blue. I looked up and turned my head. Damion was looking at me. I looked away and started to walk till the boy in blue pushed me back. "Where do u think your going? We aren't done talking." Then I saw Damion get up and start to walk over. I looked at the boy in blue with terrifying eyes. Eyes that looked as if I were going to kill him. The boy stepped back and I grabbed a hold of his shirt.

"What happened I thought you wanted to talk" I said with my eyes terrifying him.

He pushed my hands away and said, "Forget it. I dont talk to crazy people like you." Him and his friends walked away and Damion stopped. I turned my head and we met eyes. I turned away first and started to walk towards my friends.

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