Trying to Feel Normal 14

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Gah! I can't sleep it feels so uncomfortable and hot. Why did I ask him to sleep over FOR A MONTH!

As I was thinking to myself in frustration I turned the other way facing Damon and noticed he was staring at me the whole time.

"Gah! " I said because of the shock Damon gave me.

"Your having a hard time sleeping?"

"Mhhhhhuuuuu." after I agreed he wrapped his arms around me.

"Ill help you sleep. If your cold ill be your blanket. It your sad ill the warm happy rays. If your lonely ill be your company. If your in love..." he said and paused for a moment.

"Ill be your friend beside you as you take your journey. "

I looked up at him and we were staring into each others eyes.

"Your such a cheesball." I said as I poked his nose lightly and slowly kissed him on the neck.

"If I'm in love i want you to love me back." I said and we both slowly fell asleep.


It Saturday morning and Damion was awaken by my phone beeb.

*Beeb. Beeb*

"Jade your phone ringed. " he said while shaking me lightly to try to wake me up but failed. He sighed and picked up my phone to see who texted me.

"Lets go on a date. Ill meet you at your favorite café at noon. Muah. See u"

Damion read the text from Laurence and put the phone down and looked at me for a brief second and wrapped his arms around me and fell back to sleep.


I woke up to the feeling of Damion stroking my hair.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." he said and layed a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning prince charming" I sat up and yawned. Damion did too and it looked as if our actions were insinc.

"What should we do today?" Damion asked when he was done stretching.

"I don't know? Are you even healed enough to walk?"

"My handsomeness brought me back to my old state." he said in a jokingly way.

"Ha ha." I poked his rib and made him wince.

"Ow..." he rubbed the area where I poked him.

"Your handsomeness huh?" I said and chuckled.

"Lets go to this café not far from here. It biking distance so..." Damion interrupted me.

"Nah coffee isn't good there. I've tried it before."

"Well ok then your hinest. Shall we eat breakfast at IHOP then?" I said in a jokingly way.

"Why yes we can my queen" Damion said in a jokingly way back.


Damion's POV

Wooh... That was close. There's no way in going to let her be with that Laurence guy. I heard around school that he's such a perverting asshole and that...he's just like me. Damn....

"Hey." I heard jade say.


"Are you gonna eat."

"Oh ya." I said and chuckled

"What's up. You've been spacing out lately. What you thinking about?"

I ignored her question and said "who's Laurence."

"Laurence? Where did that come from?"

"Nowhere just wondering. "

"Oh well. He's some guy I have a crush on. He treats me the same way as you too."


"Ya. And stop yelling. Its impolite."

"Ok..." I calmed down.

"I don't want you to like him. Stay away from him you got it." I said in a stern voice.

"Aw is my puppy jealous? " she said and chuckled.

"No...I just hate that guy ok. So stay away from him."

"Well ok then."

We began to eat and a few seconds after I heard her say....

"*cough* jealous* cough*"

"Ha ha. Fine whatever. Ya I'm jealous."

"I knew it."

"Well so were you!"

"Oh ya with who?"

"Emma, Aniela, Emmy."


"Ya. Admit it."

She had a blank expression on her face. She looked down to her food and looked out the window looking for someone for some reason.

"What's up? Were you that jealous?" she didn't smile and kept her eyes out the window. She had a stoic expression on her face.

What's up with her?

"We should get going." she stood up and payed at the front desk. When we got out jade was looking down at the floor as she walked and ran into someone. It was Emmy.

"S-sorry..." jade looked up and saw Emmy. Emmy looked at jade then looked at me and her face turned mad. She looked back at jade and walked away. Jade stood at her spot frozen.

"Hey are you..." she started to walk and ignore me when we made it to her house she tuned to face me but kept her eyes on the floor.


"What?"she didn't answer me and was about to go in her house till I grabbed her wrist.

"Hey what's wrong."

"Let go." she said but still kept her eyes on the ground. I'm pretty sure why shed like this all of a sudden after she bumped into emmy. She probably told her to stay away from me. I understood the situation and pulled jade to me and wrapped my arms around her. She tried to pry away but she failed. I felt her tears on my chest. I made her look at me and I gave her a slight kiss. I held it and eventually let go and pushed her towards me again and hugged her tightly.

"You wont be alone. Ill be by your side no matter what. I wont leave you if you wont leave me." she cried harder and said that she would stay with me. And told me she loved me. I was about to cry too feeling her pain when I looked to my side and saw Emmy hiding behind a bush watching us. She stood up and left and me and jade went into her house.

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