Winter Dance 21

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Ahh...I can hardly breathe. Hooo hooo hooo. Ok jade. Laurence sent a limo to pick you up from tour house to bring you to the dance heeee. Oh my god is it just me or.....hooo.... Is it stuffy in here.

"Ms.Lee? Are you finding everything to your liking?" the chauffeur asked me before he was going to close the door.

Mm-ms. L-lee. As in laurence lee. Ms.lee. whooo... im gonna die.

"Y-yes everything is perfect." I said fanning myself with my hand.

"Ok Ms.lee." he closed the door and sat in the front of the limo about to drive.

"Ms.lee your husband has asked me to also pick up your friends before we go to the dance. Please sit back and relax. We will be driving around a bit." he said from the front of the limo.

"Ok." Kyaah!!! H-husband!!!

After the chauffeur picked up Ally, Aniela, and Emmy the chauffeur stopped in front of a beauty salon. At first we didnt know what was going on until the chauffeur told us.

"Mr.lee had assigned professional beauty salon workers to do your hair in the limo. So please sit back and relax Ms.lee." after the chauffeur was done talking a group of 4 salon artists came into the limo with a suit case and started to do our hair. They made Aniela's hair straightened, Ally's long hair wavy, Emmy's hair curled and my hair wavy. They also did our makeup and...shaved our legs. They also gave us purses. They gave Ally a brown leather purse that was the size of an ipad mini and that didnt have a strap. Emmy got a red leather purse the same size as Ally's with no strap. Aniela got a red leather purse the same size as Ally's too and had a black strap. The purse they gave me was a white purse the size of a large phone that had a golden chain strap. We were finally done getting ready and we made it to the dance.

Ally walked out the limo first and was escorted by Sam who was waiting out the limo. Aniela stepped out the limo and was escorted by Sedrick. Emmy got out the limo next and was escorted by Christopher. Lastly I came out of the limo and was escorted by laurence. As we walked into the auditorium girls and and other guys were looking at us in awe.

Before we made it inside the auditorium Emma and Damion were coming out of their limo. No one noticed and Emma was furious.

"Damion...We were suppose to be followed by the kids not them!" Emma wined.


Laurence's POV

"You look beautiful Jade." I said to her as we were dancing. (Ball dancing)

"Well its all because of you." she said as I  twirled her around.

"But either way my princess would still be as beautiful as now." she leaned back with my arm holding her.

The song was over and me and jade went to the food table.

"Wow I didnt know you danced so good Jade." said Aniela.

"Me neither." we heard a voice from behind us. It was Emma.

"Go away." I said in annoyance.

She chuckled and left.

I went to the restroom and I was washing my hands when I heard a voice next to me. It was Damion and he was washing his hands too.

"So you managed to take jade to the dance." he flicked his finger in the sink.

"I managed a lot more than taking her to the dance Damion." I was drying my hands on a towel.

" really tired of you always..." he punched my face then continued. "Getting in the way..." he bend down went on top of me and punched my face again. "And ruining my life." I pushed him off of me before he could punch me again.

We were now both standing in the bathroom. "And im tired..." I kicked his gut and made him bang against the door that opened and Damion fell and everyone's eyes were on us now. "Of you blaming me..." I grabbed his collar and picked him up. "For ruining you life when it was broken in the first place!" I punched his face so hard he flew back about half a foot.

Emma ran to Damion and helped him up while jade ran in front of me putting her hands on the sides of my arms and squeezing them.

"Are you ok?" she said in worry.

"Is he ok?! Look at what he did to Damion." she turned back then turned back again and looked back at me.

"Im fine." I wiped the blood from the side of my mouth and walked over to Damion in rage.

"What are you doing?!" jade grabbed my arm.

"Im gonna beat this guys ass. Let me go." she didnt let go. "Let me go!" I forced my hand from her grasp and was about to go to Damion again till he wrapped her hands around me. I could feel her tears behind my back.

"You doing it again." she said with her forehead against my back. I calmed my ragged breathing and grabbed her wrist and unwrapped her from me. I turned around and kissed her forehead. I ran to Damion grabbed him from his collar and punched him once again. He got up and punched my face making me tumble back abit and he grabbed my shirt and punched my face again. We fought for 5 minutes while screams and panics happened everytime we hit eachother. We stopped and kept our distance as we breathed tiredly.

Jade's POV

"Jade stop your boyfriend before Damion gets hurt!" Emma said as she wiggled my shoulder while tears fell from her eyes. I didnt answer her back and just watched in horror at the two men breathing heavily with bruises and blood all over their faces, clothes, and fists.

Laurence started to look annoyed and grabbed a wooden bat that was framed in a glass case that was now broken thanks to him. He strode toward Damion that was getting ready for the hit as he cracked his neck. Before I knew it i was running toward Damion. I wrapped my arms around him as laurence hit my back with the bat not knowing that who he really hit was me after he dropped the bat.

Laurence's POV

"J-jade..." I said as I dropped my bat at the same time jade fell to the ground. I ran to her and shook her as much as I can till I realized she was unable to wake up.

Damion was on his knees staring at the unconscious body in front of him with watery eyes.

"Jade...." I hugged jade against me as tears fell from my cheeks. "Jade!" everyone was panicking and finally calling the cops and the ambulance.


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