Red String of Faith 22

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Where am I....I can't move.

I started to slowly open my eyes. I felt so weak. I managed to turn my neck and look around where I was. I was in a hospital.

What happened....

I looked forward and heard Damion talking on the phone.

"Are you really not coming back?!***Do you honestly think its your fault all this happened to jade?!!***She needs you right now!*** Are you going to keep on hiding or are you going be by her side when she wakes up!?***she's going to wake up. You know she will.***Its only been 3 days Laurence get yourself together and grow some balls!!!"


Damion hanged up on the phone and turned around frustrated.

"J-jade." Damion said with wide eyes.

"Hai..." I managed to say in a weak tone. He was frozen till he finally went to me.

"Jade! Your awake!" he grabbed my hand.

A group of people and two nurses barged into the room and went right to me after Damion yelled my name so loud. They asked me a lot of questions while tears fell from my friends eyes. The nurses tried to control my friends and tell them to give me some room till the doctor came in and everyone got control of themselves.

"Ms.Lee you have finally awaken." said the doctor smiling at me.

"Ms.Lee?"I said confused at calling me Ms.lee.

"Chase call her by her real name." Damion said who was next to me and softly punched the doctors arm.

"Sorry but its Master Laurence's wishes for me to call her Ms.lee." the doctor laughed.

"Master Laurence?" I said confused even more.

"Ahh... Ya jade. This is Laurence's family's hospital. Your friends came all the way over hear everyday just to see you ,you know." Damion said smiling.

"Ya jade. We were so worried. You wouldn't wake up for 3 days" said Aniela.

"Ms.lee..." the doctor said and Damion and the nurses escorted my friends out of the room and left me with the doctor.

"You've been in the hospital for 3 days straight since your incident. Do you happen to remember anything that happened before you woke up here?"

"Mm..." suddenly a flow of memory came into my head. "Damion and Laurence were fighting at the winter dance...then Laurence grabbed a wooden bat and was about to hit Damion with it till...he hit me instead."

"Good. You see when Laurence hit you with the bat he had hit your spinal cord causing your body and brain to be paralyzed temporarily. When you woke up did you have a hard time moving your body?"

"Ya kinda but I managed to move my body." he nodded and wrote on his clip board.

"You seem fine. You can leave after we take one more test." I nodded and the doctor left the room. Damion and my friends walked into the room.

"You ok?" Damion said putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded in response.

"Where's... Laurence?" everyone gave eachother glances.

"We haven't seen him since yesterday." said ally.

"Jade after what Laurence did to you he came back here the last time yesterday and has been in his house since then. We tried convincing him but he doesn't listen. He's still having a hard time after what he did." said Damion.


Its been 3 weeks since I was in the hospital and 3 weeks since I saw Laurence. I was sitting on my bed staring into space going through everything in my head.

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