Again...Faq 4

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Damn. I still can't forget what I did at school today. Damn. I bet I looked either so stupid trying to act all tough and shit or really frightening that everyone just wants to avoid me. Fuck why do things always go so wrong when im in pressure?

I jumped in bed with frustration and buried my face in my pillow that oddly smelled like dog for some reason. As I was in frustration my phone beeped.


I lazily picked up my phone to see who texted me and my eyes automatically widened when I saw a text from Damion.


I was surprised to get a text from him this late at night. I answered him back.



I thought in my mind what an odd question for him to ask. I thought he would ask me about what happened to school or something but no?!

"Nothin just texting you. Why?"

"I was just wondering how you've been. You've been ignoring me ever since..."

"Lol ya...pls don't bring it up. ya?"

"Ya sure."


"So you wanna meet with me afterschool tomorrow at the computer café?"

"Um. Why"

"You'll see"

I was both annoyed by his text and curious about what he was talking about.

***The next day***

When I made it to school I felt someone hug me from behind. I got surprised but didn't move because something felt familiar. I was about to turn around and see who it was till the wind blew and I smelled the sent...the sent of Damion from behind me.

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