My Urges 8

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***texting conversation***

"Hey beautiful"


"Ya that's me"

"What do you want now"

"Oh nothing babe I just missed you. You were ignoring me at school all day today."

"And what did you miss me."

"Of course I did love."

"Stop calling me those things."

"Why not. What am I making you blush."

"No...just shut up."

"Lol ok ok. Goodnight princess <3."

Ugh he never listens to me

***The next day***

I just got ready for school. My phone said that the weather today was going to be 50° so I wore a large black sweater that reached just above my knees, white skinny jeans and black uggs. I looked like such a little kid but I didnt really care. When I went out my house I saw Damion on the sidewalk in front of my house wearing the exact same sweater as me! I was surprised and I started to walk across my pathway but damion heard me and started to walk towards me.

"Hai beauti..." he stopped his sentence and started to look at my feet and slowly looking upwards till he met my face.

"Wow beautiful you look really cute today. And we're even wearing the same sweater." he let out a soft laugh. "We look like boyfriend and girlfriend wearing couple sweaters."

I started to blush. "W-whatever." we started to walk and as usual I walked in front of him while he followed.

I tried to forget that he was behind me and started to admire the trees that were almost rid of brown, green and red leaves. Some leaves started to fall. Non of the leaves hit me. It was Grey outside and every breathe I took let out a cold white fog. I was so entranced with the scenery that I didnt notice Damion walking right beside me. I turned my head in surprise.

"Ahh...enjoying the scenery are you."

"W-what are you doing next to me."

He let out a chuckle. "Is my munchkin acting shy in front of me to wanna make me kiss her even more?"

"What?!" I turned my head in annoyance and as soon as I knew it Damion kissed me on the lips. After a few seconds he let go.

"Finally I got to kiss you."

"Dont ever do that again!" I said as I hit his shoulder and made him squeal.

"Owww..." he rubbed the area that I hit and looked like he really got hurt.

"Did I hit you that srry"

"Nah its not that. Its just i was skating yesterday when I fell down and i thrashed on the floor."

I lead my face near his.

"What are you gonna kiss my booboo away"

"What no. I just noticed."

He let out a chuckle.

"Ahh... My cutie pie can me such a meanie." he said as he rested his arm on my shoulders.

"Did you apply medicine?" I said as I tries to get out of his grasp and cupped my hands on his cheeks and was able to be free. I was standing in front of him and looking at his wound.

"You couldn't have just gotten hurt on your face and shoulder..."

"Look im fine. Im fine. Dont worry about me. Im a man. Im tough enough to handle a simple thrash to my body." he said as he removed my hands from is face.

He started to touch my hands and rub his thumb against my inner palm.

"Your hands are cold." he said as he started to rub my hands and breathing hot air onto my palms. I quickly took my hands back and stuffed them into my pocket.

"Come on we'll be late for school." I said as I turned around and started to walk.

"Is there..." Damion was about to talk till I interrupted him.

"Im fine. Just like you im trying to stay strong."

We walked to school in silence. I can feel Damions stare. Were about to go into school when I sipped walking.

"Damion. Come by my house tonight. ok?"


The day passed by and it was 7:30. My parents were on a date tonight and wouldn't be back late. My grandparents are at my aunts house helping her with her newborn baby for the whole night and won't be back till tomorrow. I was alone at my house till I heard my doorbell ring. I descended the stairs and opened the door.

"Im here hun." it was damion

"Hai come in." damion came in and sat on the couch. I gave his water and when he wa finished we went upstarts to my room.

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