Dresses 20

215 13 3

Me and Laurence were walking to the café together to see ally. It was a lot colder outside than we thought and Laurence didnt bring a thick sweater so he was freezing.

"Are you sure your well enough to be walking right now?" Laurence said with his hands stuffed in his pants pockets and shaking like a Chihuahua.

"Of course I am. Look at you." I grabbed one of his hands from his pocket and they were cold as ice.

"Ahh your hands are like ice!" I grabbed both his hands and started to rub them and breathe hot air on them.

Laurence shivered. "Your so warm.... T-turn around for a sec." he said as he put his finger at the top of my head and swirled me around.

"What..." he put his hands in my pocket while back hugging me and laying his chin on my shoulder.

"There this is warmer so that we both can be warm." we continued walking in the same position till we made it to the café.

Ally's POV

Laurence and jade finally walked in. Laurence was hugging jade from behind while his hands were in her pockets and his chin resting on her shoulder. When they made it to the door (finally) Laurence let go of jade and put his hands on her hips as she opened the door.

"Over here." I said while waving my hands in the air to get their attention.

They started walking to us and jade had a confused look on her face. Probably because Sam was sitting right next to me with his hand around my shoulder. They sat down. Jade was sitting across from me and Laurence was sitting across from Sam.

"Hey." I said

"Hi." both jade and Laurence said in synce.

"Um...jade this is Sam."

"Nice to meet you." Sam said while he waved at them while smiling.

"Nice to meet you." both jade and Laurence said in synce again!

What are they robots or something?!

We sat at the table only me and Sam drinking coffee for some reason and enjoying our company. 1 hour passed by and we had to leave. We said our goodbyes and departed. Me and Sam sat in his car.

"Whoo that went well." I said in relief.

"Ya it went great. What do you mean it went well. Were you expecting things to not go great?" Sam said as he started the engine.

"I guess so. Me and jade are good friends and I thought she'd be pretty protective about this. But she took everything ok."

"Well she did have that look on her face when she saw me."

"Ya I guess she felt alittle protective at first then."



Laurence's POV

"Yaaaa!!! Ally has a boyfriend!!" jade said while jumping around me with joy.

"Haha. Hey now she has a date to the winter dance now." I said enjoying her happiness.

"Ya huh. Yay!" she walked in front of me. Her steps wobbled and she almost fell till I helped her holding her arm.

"Are you ok?" I said in worry.

"Ya...I think I jumped around to much." she laughed

"My silly bunny" I patted her head and we both laughed.

"Lets go home..." she stretched her arms up. "Im tired. Lets make tea when we get home." she said as she hugged my arm.

"Ok. What kind of tea my princess?"

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