Laurence 13

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Damion's POV

Wait is it just me or was i asked to sleepover at jade's house for a month?

Jade went to school cause of my persistance and ... Well im waiting for her.

Jade POV

God my mom is so....Ahh! I started to get frustrated as I kept on thinking of how my mom left me a text that she is in the police station in Texas! My thoughts went on and I eventually thought of what happened between me and damion.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed and broke the silence of my neighborhood as crows started to fly away.

W-what was he thinking. He was feeling my boobs. Was he doing that the whole time I was sleeping? Did he do anything else?! Ahh...what did I do. I can't let anyone know about this. I CANT! But I Dont understand why Emmy and Aniela are butthurt about him. Is it cause he's a perve and that's why he was doing that to me? Am I not the only one? Gad and I invited him to sleep over at my house for the month!


"I had a weird dream." Ally was talking as we sat at our lunch table and I was staring at my food thinking of what happened last night and this morning.

"Hey Jade!" Emmy said to get my attention and she did.


"What's up. Your not yourself today."

"Oh its just..." I stopped myself from telling them about me and damion. "My mom is in the police station in Texas."

"Not again." Aniela said

We kept on talking amd eventually we had to go home after we finished our classes.

I was just walking home when I heard someone from behind me run up to me and literally carried me of my feet. I thought it was damion but I just remembered that hes not in shape to do this so I looked up and saw Laurence. (This guy that I like. He's like damion when he talked to me....if you Dont get me you'll see.)

"Hey Doll." said Laurence who was about to kiss me till I pushed his face away.

"Put me down."

"Aw but I Dont want my princess to get tired. " I averted my gaze from him and looking forward.

"Where are you bringing me?"

"Your house of course."


"Aren't you gonna ask me in for some tea or something."

"No. I have a...special visitor. And I Dont want you to disturb him."

"Oh its a him. Well then I must come in."


"Aw why not." he said as he started to act cute but still manly the same time.

"I said n..." I turned to face him and reject him till he kissed me.

He stopped walking and held his lips against mine with his eyes closed. I have to admit he's a pretty good kisser. And he smells nice to. I broke from my trance and backed my head back.

"Finally I got a kiss from you."

"You..." I stopped and looked away.

"You kiss good."

"Want me to kiss you again" he said while smiling and still looking at me.

"Hey..." I turned my head at him angrily once again and he leaned toward my face. He didnt kiss me but just stare at me with such a happily face and his nose just about to touch mine. His eyes looked down toward my neck and his mouth opened alittle. He leaned toward my ear and nibbled it till I flinched and he went back slowly.

"We're here."

I was surprised that we were at my house already. He put me down and we departed and I went up to my room.

"Welcome back sweetie."

I looked at him in shock cause I was about to undress.

"Hm...why is your face so red."


He chuckled.

"Are you feeling better?"


"K then. Outside." I said while pointing at the door.

He started to act like his side ribs hurt. "Oo."

"Haha come on i gotta change."

"Just change."

"With you inside? I Dont think so."

"Why? Are you embarrassed? That just makes me wanna look at you even more.

Yup that's damion

"Whatever." I took off my shirt and was only wearing my lacy bra. I walked over to my drawer and took out a shirt not even caring that damion was gawking at me. I pulled out a shirt and some pajamas pants. I unbuttoned my pants. I took them off and was left with a black bra and blue underwear. I put my hand on my hip and looked at damion.

"What is this what you wanted to see." he nodded his head yes like he was a little kid just seeing boobs for the first time.

I put on my clothes and walked to damion.

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