The Warning 7

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Ugh...I had literally no sleep last night. Yawn... Its Monday again. Back to hell. I'm walking to school half noticing anything around me. I thought I heard someone walking behind me but I was too tired to notice. My eye lids started to close and I was gonna bump right into a cement pole. I was so close to hitting it when someone went right in front of me blocking me from hitting the pole and kissing me on the forehead instead.

I was surprised and I looked up. When I saw that it was Damion that had kissed me my eyes widened and I started to walk away. Damion just smiled and let out a soft chuckle and started to follow me again. Its not hard to stay awake anymore. While I was lost in my thoughts and looking back at what happened I heard Damion's voice.

"Hey Jade! Are you still mad at me about yesterday?" Damion said in a loud noise because of how far our distance was

"I'm sorry. Try to understand the situation. If I hadn't given up she would have kicked your pretty little face." he said in an adorable and concerning tone.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean!!!"I said as i started to turn around and walk backwards.

"I can take care of myself perfectly. I think I can take her on. What you don't think I can kick her ass?!"

"No actually."

Right after he said that I stepped on a soccer ball that was in the middle of the side walk and was about to fall backwards. Damion ran as fast as he can and caught me. We were in one of those poses that you'd find in some Disney movie where the guy is about to kiss the girl. Damion smiled and leaned in. I thought he was going to kiss me and right away I put my index finger and middle finger in front of my lips so that he wouldn't have to kiss me on the lips when he leaned towards my ear and whispered.

"What did you say about being able to take care of yourself." he said in a teasing tone and brushed is lips against my ear which made me squeal. I heard him chuckle and he helped me up. Then we started to walk. I walked faster than him and was back to the same distance between us as earlier.

"What are you still mad at me?"

I started to get annoyed and walked a little faster.

"I already saved your life twice. Can't you forgive me already?"

"I wouldn't have died from bumping into a pole or slipping on a soccer ball and falling back!"

Right after is said that I heard him running towards me and before I knew it he started to carry me. I got surprised.

"H-hey what do you think your doing?! We're getting near school aren't you gonna put me down! Your girlfriend is going to get mad again."


"You might get in trouble with her again and she'll yell at you like last time..."

"Oh! You sound like you care about me now. What did saving your life make you like me even more?" he smiled at me and was still walking. I didn't smile and just stare at him with a shy look on my face. He chuckled and looked away. While he was still carrying me to school I stared at him. I noticed how handsome he is. His tanned skin and the way his eyes smallened as he silently laughed.

"You must really love me now." he said and broke me from my trance

"Stupid I always loved you..." I said and even surprised myself and stared to regret what I said. He smiled and looked a little surprised too. He was leaning in to kiss me when we made it to school and Emma yelled.

"Hey Damion!" she walked up to him with rage and noticed someone walking behind her and coming toward us. It didnt look like any of her wanna be friends that always follows her. It was Emmy!

"Put her down this instant!" damion was in annoyance and put me down softly. Right when I was back on the floor emmy automatically gripped my wrist.

"Come on jade." she said in a conserved tone and gave Damion a disapproving voice. Damion looked back and just gave a chuckle and looked away.

As we started to walk away from the loud Emma that was scolding Damion again emmy started to speed up her pace.

"Emma what's wrong?" she stopped at my response amd turned around with an angry look on her face.

"What the hell do you think your doing with that piece of shit again!"

"He came by my house and started to follow me!"

"Then why the fuck was he carrying you to school and was about to kiss you!"

"He picked me up without my permission and wouldn't listen to me when I told him to put me down!"

"And the kiss?!"

"He was saying how I must be falling for him more and leaned in for a kiss. He was being cheesy."

"Ha...ok. Jade I dont want you to be around him anymore or else."

"Or else what."

"Or else when he hurts you me nor Aniela or Ally will be there for you when you get hurt by him. Just like how you guys were when I was..."

"Nothing! Do you understand me?!"

"Ok fine. Ill ignore him as much as I can."

"No you will ignore him." the bell rang and we silently walked to class together.

The rest of the day went by and when I was about to go to bed Damion texted me.

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