Another Side of Laurence 18

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Me and Laurence were finally at the table to buy our tickets.

"Two tickets." Laurence said to Emma who seemed to just be looking at me with disapproval.

"Are you really going with her or are you using her to get these tickets?" said Emma

"Shut up and give them the tickets already Emma." said Damion who was sitting next to her.

"Why should I..." she was interrupted by Damion

"Can't you see the line. Get this done already." Damion said in annoyance and didn't give me nor Laurence a glance.

Emma finally gave us our tickets and Laurence wanted to drop me off at my house when I suggested to go to 'our place' first.


"So why did you wanna come here first?" asked Laurence.

"I wanted to ask you something." I said while looking at the pond.

"What is it that you want to ask?"

"Me and you are going to the dance together and we're not even dating..." I was interrupted by Laurence.



"We aren't officially dating yet..." he turned to me.

"So dont go out with anyone else cause im going to be your boyfriend." he said and hugged me.

"And...dont like anyone else cause...I want to be the only one in your heart." I wrapped my arms around him and looked up at him.

"Then lets officially be together. So I wont date anyone else but you...and...I will be able to love you even more to stop liking him too." I said and we stared into eachothers eyes.

"Ok then." he kissed my forehead and he eventually dropped me off at my house.


I walked into my house when I went up to my room and bumped into Damion.

"Where were you this time." he said in a stern voice and didn't look at me.

"I was with my boyfriend so if you dont mind I'd like you to get out of my house."I said and had this feeling in me that made me feel both awesome and...a little sorry for him.

"I just needed to get my stuff. So dont be so cranky cause this is my last time going here." he finally looked at me.

"Bye-bye." he was about to kiss my forehead till I flinched and my face turned away.

He hesitated and finally left.

***Laurence's POV***

I waited in front of jade's house for a while when I saw Damion get out of her house. I quickly got out of my car walked up in front of Damion in long fast strides and punched him in the face before he could react.

"What the fuck are you doing her house!" I said as I picked Damion up from the floor by his collar.

He coughed and wiped the blood from his cheek with the back of his hand.

"I just came to get my stuff from her house." I was surprised by his response and punched him again. When he fell to the floor I stepped on his chest and leaded down a bit.

"What are you surprised..." he started to cough again. "Before you could get to her we did many things together..." I kicked his face but he just smiled and stood up almost loosing his balance.

"Stop being so jealous. Its starting to irritate me." I grabbed his collar and looked at him full of rage.

"What did you do to her when you were in there! You better not have touched her or ill seriously..." I was too mad to finish my sentence and threw him to the floor and ran to the door of jade's house and opened the unlocked door.

"Jade!" I called out as soon as I got in her house.

She came from behind the corner of a wall.

"Huh? Laurence what are you..." I ran to her and hugged her interrupting her.

"Are you ok?"


"Why is he here?"

"Why is who..."

"Why is he here!"

"He was in my house when I came home. He said he needed to get his stuff..." I interrupted her again.

"Why are his stuff here." I unwrapped my arms from her and put my hands on the sides of her arm.

"He...slept over a week ago."

"For how long? Why did he sleep over? Did he touch you?!"

"For about 4 days. And he was to injured to get up so..." I interrupted her again.

"So you let him in!" I shook her a little and startled her. My grasp on the sides of her arm tightened making her shoulders go up.

"He couldn't get up! What else was i suppose to do!" I let her go and rubbed my eyes in frustration.

"Dont ever let him in you house again or im really going to kill him." I said with one of my hands on my hip and the other rubbing my eyes in frustration.

"Kill him...what do you..." I interrupted her once again.

"Do you understand me!" I looked at her with a scary look on my face that made her step back a little.

"O-ok...I wont let him in my house."

I let out a deep breathe. "Ill be going. Get some sleep." I finally calmed down and was about to kissed her when she stepped back in fear. I froze for a sec and looked at her.

"Im sorry if I frightened you. I just...I just dont want you to do this hurts me." I left and locked the door before I left and Damion was leaning on my car.

"Whats wrong. You have a disappointed look on your face"

"Get off my car." he didn't listen and I just got in my car and started the engine.

"Hey I.." I started to drive and that made Damion fall back and I was off.

*** Jade's POV***

"Laurence is really scary..." got the bottle of water I put down on the table when Laurence entered my house and went up to my room and feel asleep.

Jade's dream

"Papa! Papa he's right behind you..." my dad got hit in the back with a wooden bat while people ran out of the restaurant. The man with the bat threw the bat away and grabbed my dad from the collar and was about to punch him.

"Papa!!!" I grabbed a cutting knife that was on the table of the cooking counter and threw it at the man and hit him on the side of his chest and he fell unconchence and dropped my dad. I ran towards my dad.

"Papa! PAPA!!" I was shaking him to wake up while tears fell from my eyes. My dad was dead.

"Papa...papa..."  said as I layed my head on his chest crying as police officers barged into the building.

"Papa...papa" I mumbled in my sleep and jumped up and awakened from my dream. I felt tears on my face and buried my face in my palms.

"Im having them again..."


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