Cheating Kiss 5

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I didn't move. I knew it was Damion. All I could do was stand stiff like a stupid pole. Till my body moved and I found myself hugging Damion with my arms around his neck. I felt his warmth for the first time in so long. I could feel my heart pounding irregularly till I just remembered. He has a girlfriend. I was about to let go as fast as could to make sure no one saw till Damion held me back again.

"No not yet." he said in almost a begging way.

"Damion. Let me go."He said nothing and I felt his grasp tighten. "Damion. Im serious let me go."

"I don't want to. Not yet." He loosened up a little and suddenly I felt his soft lips against mine. The soft lips that once reminded me of the day I took courage to ask Damion out. My eyes widened and I could feel a bunch of eyes staring at us.

He finally let go but he looked down and pushed my head lightly towards him so that his lips was on my ear.

"Dont act so cautious. Just act like you did before. Like nothing happened." He let me go and rested his lower arm on my head.

"Come on lets go." he said in a happy like voice that almost sounded just like how he was when we used to just hang out at the computer café.

when we made it to my friends they were shocked to see Damion and his hand over my shoulder.

"Um...hai" I said in a sheepish voice

"Hai!!! Miss me?" he said and started to laugh softly. They started to smile and Aniela smiled and gave Damion a hug.

"Ya I missed you!" she smiled and still had her arms around him.

I felt a little jelouse...for some reason.

"Did you miss me?" she said while making a cute pouty face and staring at Damion.

"Haha ya sure little girl." he said in a jokingly way and moved Aniela from him by holding her head like an old video game controller. He smiled and stepped towards me and put his arm back around my neck and over my shoulder. I smiled in a sheepish way while Ally and Emmy started to laugh at Aniela's jelouse face.

***During 3nd period***

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