Her Story 19

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I looked at the time and saw that I have one hour to get ready. I got out of bed and almost lost balance.

"Fuck..." I said as I stabilized myself by putting my hand on my dresser and my other hand on my forehead.

After I got finished getting ready I walked out my house and Laurence was walking up to me. I had a huge head ace and I felt really nauseous.

"Are you ok?" I heard Laurence say.

"L-laur..." I fainted and Laurence quickly caught me. I heard him calling to me but I could barely stay awake and I slowly heard his voice fade.

***Laurence's POV***

"Jade! Jade!" she wasnt waking up and I felt her slowly fainting.

"D-dont let me sleep..." I heard her mumble.

"What? Why not? Jade!" she fell asleep and I carried her to my house that was 2 blocks away. I unlocked my car and put her in the front seat. I sat down and started the engine and went to the hospital.

As I was driving jade started to mumble again. I slowly went closer to her.

"Papa...papa..." she mumbled and her hand that was on her leg started to twitch. I put my hand on her hand and whispered in her ear.

"Its ok. Its ok im hear." I kissed her forehead and we were close to the hospital.

I stopped infront of the hospital behind an ambulance and carried jade into the hospital.

***Jade's POV***

I slowly woke up and I could hear Laurence's voice. I looked around and noticed i was in a hospital. Then I turned my head and saw Laurence was talking to a doctor.

"She has a slight fever. But she'll be ok." the doctor said.

"Thats good..." Laurence said.

"But..." the doctor continued. "You should make sure she isn't sleeping alone."

"Huh? Why?" asked Laurence.

"This wasnt the first time she's been hear at this time of month. The last time her mother told us that her father died this month and she thinks she's having flashback dreams of her father passing away. We checked her fathers files and it shows he was in the hospital at this month but he didnt make it."

"Oh..." Laurence said while nodding his head showing the doctor he understood the situation.

"So we'd like you to have someone sleep with her just in case she has her dreams again. The dreams are putting her in stress causing her to get sick like this."


"May I ask your relationship with her?"

"Oh ya. Im her boyfriend."

"Ok then you guys are able to go when ever." the doctor left the room and Laurence turned to me.

"Oh your awake."

"Ya." I said as I got up.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Ya. Lets go."


I was about to put on my shoes till Laurence grabbed it from me and started to put it on me instead. I watched at he slipped my foot into my shoes. When he was tieing my shoes someone barged into the room.

"Jade!" it was my mom. She stopped at the sight of Laurence but then just ran to me.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

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