Emma!?!?!?! 6

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Its 3rd period and Damion is still Following us around. He's back to sitting next to me in all the classes we have together amd just staring at me like im a puppy. Of course is gets annoying but when i look at him back he always smiles amd makes me feel bubbly inside.

"Damion!!!" the teacher said in annoyance and anger

"Yes ma'am!" Damion said as if he were in the army and soluting to his governor.

The teacher was getting even more annoyed and threatened to move Damion towards the front when he right away refused. The teacher was filled with anger and told me to move instead. when she yelled out my name i got surprised and said

"Yas ma'am!" the exact same way as Damion and the whole class busted into laughter.

Even Damion was laughing. Damion chuckled and sat in the front as he was told to in the first place to keep me from going though all the trouble to move.

Class ended and its lunch time. Damion me and my friends got our lunch together and when we were about to sit at a table someone deliberately sat at the table instead and stopped us.

It was a pretty girl with slightly curly hair and was wearing a shirt that barely covered her stomach and skinny jeans with a flannel wrapped around her waste. There were two other girls behind her sitting at the table faceing us to.

"Hai Damion." she said with a sarcastic voice and was smiling angrily at Damion.

"Emma not now." Damion said in a sturning tone.

"So is this the girl that you kissed this morning?" she asked as she looked at me with disapproval and disbelief.

"Yes. Is that all you wanted to hear cause we are gonna find our own table now."

At this point the whole cafeteria was staring at the scene.

"No actually..." she said in a continuing voice that made Damion filled with more rage.

"Id like to ask the whole cafeteria if they know who im dating." she said in a loud voice that echoed throughout the whole cafeteria.

A girl stood up and pointed at Damion. "Isn't he your boyfriend?"

I was shocked by the response and I looked at damion. Damion looked back at me as if he were trying to tell me to understand. That made Emma chuckle.

"Ha...yes correct so why is Damion with this ugly creature?!" she was about to talk more till Damion pushed me aside and put his arm around Emma's neck and resting his arm on her shoulder. Emma smiled back at me as she chucked.

I didn't say anything till Emmy stepped forward.

"I knew we shouldn't have trustee you. Your still the same as before." she said in a tone that made Damions smile diapear and a sturn look came upon his face. Emmy walked me away from Damion and the rest of my friends walked along with us. The cafeteria went back to what they were doing and me and my friends sat at a table away from the crowd.

"Im happy your back..." Emma was about to talk more till Damion interrupted her.

"Your the only one that's happy for me to be back." he said as he pecked her cheek and sat down. She had a face of defeat as she sat down next to Damion that didn't utter a word nor smiled again that day.

The day passed and I tried to ignore Damion as much as I can in our last period together and I didn't visit the computer café as planned and everything went back to how it was after Damion said no.

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