Things And Secrets 12

161 12 1

Damion's POV

God why is it so cold. Did mom leave my window open again...fuck.

I tried to pull the blanket over me till I grabbed something...soft and squishy.

What the fuck is this.

I was still wondering what this was and I just kept on squishing it till I heard a whimper.

"D-damion..." I heard jade say in an exhausted tone.

"Oh fuck! Im sorry. Im sorry I didnt know...I forgot that..." I was too surprised to even finish my sentence properly.

"You seem better. " She said as she leaned toward my face. I was still surprised and shocked that I was ... You know and I blocked her from coming closer to me till...I grabbed her boob again! We didnt move a muscle till my hand flinched and squished her boob a tiny bit.

"Ahh..." she screamed in a tiny voice and put her hand on my hand that was on her.

"S-sorry!" I let go as fast as I could but forgot her hand was still on mine and she fell forward and I caught her from hitting my chest with her face till...her other hand landed on my Dick. We were frozen again till I let her go and she fell forward and she ended up on top of me! We were frozen once more and before I knew it i kissed her. She flinched but gave in. Her lips were soft. She smelled really nice. I stocked my hand on her head and combed her hair. Her hand went up till my chest her hand that was keeping her up slipped and her boobs squished against my chest. They were so...soft and...comforting. She was about to go back up till I hugged her tightly and felt her boobs press against me harder. We were still kissing. I started to move my legs against hers amd she did the same thing. We kept on going amd breathing harder each time till her alarm clock startled us and we fell of the bed. I was on top of her and the blacket was wrapped around our legs and it was hard to get out but we managed.

"Um..." she said amd chuckled.

"Im sorry...again."

" No its ok...I kinda liked it...alot."

We started at eachother till awkwardness broke it. We stood up fast and I wasnt able to hold myself up cause of my wounds and u fell forward till I was on top of Jade again on the bed.

"Are you ok? Your wounds must have not healed yet."

"Ya I guess so... Im sorry."

"Dont go to school today. Ill stay with you."

"Your not going to school?"

"Your hurt i can't just leave you alone like this." she said as we stared into eachother eyes and were about to kiss again till...

*Beeb. Beeb.*

Her phone rang and she got a text. We got up and she picked up her phone. She read her text and she just stared at her phone.

"Are...are you ok? What happened?" she didnt answer me adjust chuckled.

"Will you be able to sleep over at my house for a month."

"Um...ya sure." what the hell!

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