New love 17

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So that's why Damion dislikes Laurence. But I wonder which prince was which...

I was walking to school lost in thought when I made it to school and saw so many couples. I went over to my friends freaked out at all the pairs. I mean like what the fuck! To no surprise my friends happened to be in pairs to.

Emmy was with Christopher

Aniela was with Sedrick

Sarafin was with Briann

Amy was with Derek

Ryan was with Leslie

Fortunately someone was just like me. Alone, weirded out by everything, and pretty much a loner like myself.

"Ally!" I called her named and she turned and right when she saw me she ran towards me and gave me a huge hug.

"Jade!" he said with joy.

"Im so happy your here! Too many pairs!"

"Haha thats just what I was thinking while I was walking ever here!" we both chuckled and walk to our friends.

"Hai." I said.

"Oh hai Jade." said Aniela.

"Wheres Laurence? Are you two going to get tickets?" said Emmy

"Tickets? For what?" I said

"For the winter dance. You need someone as a date in order to go for some reason." said Christopher.

"I bet that that girl from leadership that assigned the dance to be like this." said Derek.

"Whats her name again..." said Derek. "Oh ya Emma." he said

"Well no duh. Dude have you seen her!" said Leslie

"Slutty as fuck." said Ryan.

"No Laurence hasnt asked me to go with him. I didn't even know about it." I said

"Huh?! Dude their selling the tickets afterschool for only 2 hours. And that would be the only time their going to sell them."

"Oh I guess I wont be able to go then..." I said and looked down till someone put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Laurence smiling at me.

Ahh... His smile is so cute and hot at the same time!

"Hey jade. Lets get our tickets before you go home ok." he said while still smiling at me with his friends behind him elbowing him and whistling like idiots.

"Ya sure." I smiled back and he stayed with me while his friends left so loudly while cheering for Laurence.

I turned around and Laurence back hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Sorry about my friends. They could be such animals." he said to everyone and we all laughed.

"Aww now im alone!" said ally and we all laughed even more.

The bell rang and Laurence and half of my friends went to class together while Laurence held my hand.

***Damions POV***

"Damn that guy. He really wants to get hurt doesn't he." I mumbled as I clenched my hand till Emmy put her hand on mine.

"Hey Whats up."

"Nothing lets go babe" I said and put my arm over her shoulders and we walked to school.

***flash back***

Laurence's POV

Damion trapped me at a wall at the corner of the sidewalk where I was waiting for jade.

"Hey! Are you listening!" said Damion who pulled my hair back and held it against the wall. I hit his hand away.

"Im not letting her go." I said as I stared into his eyes full of rage as he did the same back.

"I said leave jade to me. She's mine."

"We knew eachother before we even knew her. Shouldn't you be apologizing to me for having such a grudge on me for so long. We had a longer friendship than we ever had with jade and you wont let her go but you letting our bond go."

"Shut up!"

"Im not letting her go to someone like you who could just let go of people so easily when I can love her longer and harder than you."

"You shut the fuck up." he said as he grabbed my collar and forced me against the wall. As I just put my hands into my pants pockets.

"You know im right." I felt a sense of defeat from him and he let go at the sound of someone walking behind the wall about to turn the corner.

He walked right in front of the person and blocked her way. It was jade.

"Im leaving your house..." I heard Damion say and started to fix my shirt when I suddenly heard jade say something after a little while.

"I don't need you. I have Laurence." I smiled and couldn't stop smiling. I looked down at the floor while blushing and smiling when I saw jade walk away. I followed her from behind when I finally calmed down and called out her name.

flash back fade

The tricked prince was Damion and the other was Laurence.


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