Their Story 16

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Laurence dropped me off at my house after we relaxed bit at 'our place' (yes its called our place now!) and when I got back it was already past 12:00 and im pretty sure Damion is sleeping so I walked up to my room.

"Do you know what time it is." a voice came from behind me and made me flinch.

"I can come back to my house whenever." I said in a stern voice and didn't give Damion another glance and was about to walk up the stairs till he wrapped his arms around my waist before I can walk up two steps.

"I was worried." his grasp tightened.

"Ill be fine. Im almost 19 now..." he interrupted me.

"Still. Your a stubborn little girl who doesn't listen to me."

"Im...a stubborn little girl in your eyes...Laurence doesnt see me like you do." I tried freeing myself but his grasp got even tighter.

"Its because I love you a different way." I froze.

"Stop seeing him. He'll hurt you."

"Just like how you did? Or maybe worst? Or even less?! Or like right now!" I said in a louder voice and felt a tear drop from my cheek and splash on his arm.

"No. He'll hurt you...less than I did." he paused.

"But he'll never love you more than I do." he let go and kissed My lips. He held it then let go. He leaned in towards my ear and whispered-

"Im sorry. But this is another goodbye hug." he hugged me tightly then let go. I couldn't really see his face in the dark but I think...he was crying.

That night Damion got his stuff and went back to his house. I slept alone that night rewinding on everything that happened over ... And over again till I eventually fell asleep somewhere after 2 hours.


I woke up to my alarm.

"It felt like I only got 3 minutes of sleep last night." I yawned and looked in the mirror and noticed the dark circles under my eyes.

"I guess I did..." I got ready for school and walked out my house. I looked at the damp floor and bumped into a pole. I didn't move but let out a deep sigh and rubbed my head.

"Dumb dumb." I walked away but suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Laurence behind me walking closer.

"Pole would like to say sowwy." po...pole

"Did....wait you...I called you....wait no pole said..." I stuttered like a stupid ass.

"Lets walk together from now on." he said And chuckled then held my hand.


When me and Laurence made it to school i could feel all stares coming from around us and the murmurs of kids. Laurence didn't seem to be fazed. We walked towards Emmy and the rest of them.

"Hi." Laurence said while putting his free hand up.

"Hi..." said everyone

I looked at Emmy and she looked back. She then rotated her eyes towards Laurence and then back to me and smiled. (Yes!)


The bell rang and we all went home. I was walking home when I turned at the corner and bumped into Damion.

"Is it your thing now to bump into people?" he said but I didn't look at him. He stared at me with a stoic expression on his face while I looked down avoiding eye contact.

"Im not sleeping at your house anymore. So don't expect me to be waiting in front of your house anymore to walk with you to school. Also don't expect me to protect you..." I interrupted him.

"Ya you don't. Cause I have Laurence." I stared at him with a serious face and walked around him till he grabbed my arm.

"Don't...." I interrupted him again.

"Is there anything else you wanna say?" I said why looking forward and not looking at him. He didn't answer and I forcibly pulled my hand from him.

"Don't trust Laurence." he finally said and I walked away.

Laurence was behind the wall at the corner and heard everything. I didn't notice him and he left his spot and started to follow me from behind.

"Jade!" I heard Laurence yell from behind and he ran towards my side and wrapped his arm around my upper body.

"Hi." I said without giving him a glance.

He looked at me and there was silence between us. He kept on staring at me till the wind blew and my hair flowed in the wind.

"You seem troubled. What is it?"

"Ive just been wondering about something for a while now."

"What is it? Do you think I can help?"

"Why does Damion hate you so much?"

It took him a while to answer till he finally spoke.

"Let me tell you a story..."

***Laurence's story***

Once there where two princes that use to be the best of friends. They trusted eachother, did everything together, and had eachothers backs. Till one day one of the prince was in trouble. Someone had told these thugs to kill him. The person also told the thugs to say it was the one prince that told them to kill him. The prince felt betrayed and fought the thugs. When the prince was at the break of loosing the other prince came to save him. The prince won against the thugs and went to help the prince till the prince pushed him away.

"How could you betray me like this!" the tricked prince said.

"When have i betrayed you? I came to sa...."  the prince was interrupted by a punch to the gut from the other prince.

The two princes were caught on a full on fist fight. One of the prince was trying to convince the other prince it want him while the other prince kept on denying. You can hear the sound of fists clashing against eachothers body. A light that shined red swung back and forth till the princes stopped at the sight of eachothers unwonted and unbrused faces. Right then and there they both knew they didn't not have the power to hurt eachother because of the bond they had. The two princes departed their opposite ways and it was that day that their trust in one another was lost. And so was their friendship.

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