The Heart 9

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" this is my room. Ill be back i need to go get something." she said as she went out the door and closed it softly.

As Damion was looking around my room

"Wow...she's been to many places." he said as he was scrolling through the pictures on her drower. Then he noticed a picture of a boy who looked like he was around his age.

"Who's this..." he said as he picked up the photo.

Just then Jade walked in with an aid kit.

"What's that?" he said as I put the box on the bed and brought the picture towards me.

"A first aid kit. For your wounds." I said as I sat on my bed and started to take out medicines and bandages.

"Who's this?" he said as he sat on the bed too and showed me the picture.

"Ahh... That's my older brother."

"Older brother. He looks like he's around our age." he said as he looked at the picture in shock.

"Oh ya...he past away when I was little. He's 19 in that picture." I said as I started to put a cotton ball socked with alcohol on his wound. It made him flinch and I just kept on stroking his wound as he stared at me.

I finished tending to all his wounds and he thanked me.

"Thank you."

"No problem. You should leave a wound like that it'll scar." I said as I put all the stuff back into the kit. When I was about to put the kit back downstairs Damion put his arm around me and laid back which made me lay back too.

" need to worry about my face. You should like a man for hi personality and not only his looks."

"W-whatever. Let me go."

"I dont want to." he said as he hugged me with both arms and layed his head on my shoulder. There was a moment of silence till Damion broke it.

"Dont listen to Emmy. Dont leave me. No matter what happens." he said as we stated into eachothers eyes.

"But if I dont...ill lose them."

"But you wont loose me." he said as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips were warm. Then I slowly felt his tough come into my mouth. Then he started to suck on my lips. This went on for about 1 minute and a half.

"Wait..." I said as I started to breathe heavily.


"I need to put this back." I said as I held up the kit and stood up.

"Ill come with you."

I went to put the kit back with Damion and escorted Damion to the front door.

"Bai." He said as he gave me a hug goodbye.

"Bai." and he left and I went up stairs to my room and burried my head in my pillow.

"Ahh...why. How am I suppose to ignore him now?!?!" I said as my face was still in my pillow while kicking my feet on my bed. I slowly fell asleep.


Its morning and I quickly got ready realizing what such an important day it was. Today was my friend Sara's birthday. (He's really a boy named Sarafin who wants us to call him Sara. And no he's NOT gay. He dated one of my friends Melissa. They broke up after dating for 4 months but they're still friends. Now she's dating mine and Aniela's ex from last year.)

I started to run out of my house. I slipped and fell right on my ass. Just then I noticed that Damion wasn't in front of my house today. I didn't really care and just walked to school cause I was to afraid to fall again. When I made it to school i was going to take out my present for Sara but just remembered I left it on my bed.

"Ah shit. I left it on my bed." I grunted and just walked to my friends that were giving their presents to Sara and punching him.

"Hey look its Jade!" Aniela and Ally screamed out as they ran to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Ahh..." I said as they hugged me and stomped me from screaming by covering my mouth. I thought they were going to hug me but they were really trying to hide me from something. They dragged me to the benches far away from Sara and the rest of them.

"What the hell..." I was interrupted by Aniela.

"Jade did you hear!" she said in a stern tone.

"Hear what?"

"Oh come on. Everyone in school knows." said Ally.

"Wait what if he didn't tell her yet?" said Aniela who looked at ally.

"Know what!" I said in annoyance

"Geo likes you!" they bothscreamed at the same time.

"W-what?!?!? EWWW NOO!! He can't! Nooo!"

"Huh why do you look so disappointed. Didn't you use to like him?" said Aniela

"Well ya but that was last year! In totally over him and you guys know..." I stopped myself. Aniela's smile disappeared.

"Hasn't Emmy told you about him already."


"And what will happen."


"Oh my god jade get over him already!" Aniela said and started to walk away to Sara.

"Come on." ally said as we walked back.

The bell rang and we went to our classes.

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