Likes Me?! 15

170 12 2

I walked into my house with Damion. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed and wiped my tears. I picked up my phone to text Emmy when I saw a text from Laurence.

Lets go on a date. Ill meet u at your favorite café place at noon. Muah. See u.

Wait this text was sent today. I was suppose to see Laurence today! Wait... What it says I read his text at 9:31! Huh?

Right then Damion walked in my room. I looked at him and he had a surprised look on his face.

"W-what happened. D-did someone text you."

"Yyyyaaaa.... You read it didn't you."

"R-read what? I didn't read anything!"

"Ah ha! You read the text from Laurence but you didn't tell me!"


"No wonder you didn't want to go to the café!"

"What?! No. Coffee there is just bad!"

"And you were stuttering just a minute ago. So it was you!"

"Fine it was me!"

He finally admitted it and I chuckled.

"Your jelly aren't you?" (Jelly also means jealous)

"Well your cheating on me!"

"Cheating on you?! We aren't even dating!" looked away and texted on my phone

"What. What are you doing?"

"I'm texting Laurence to reschedule our date tomorrow!"

"Stop cheating on me!"

"We're not even dating!!!"


Ahh...Sunday morning.

I layed in my bed feeling so comfortable and warm.

Sunday morning... Sunday... SUNDAY!!!

I automatically woke up and checked my alarm clock to see the time.

Whoo...its only 10:00. I have 2 hours to get ready.

I wore a floral dress with a loose white sweater, brown leather lace boots and a white beenie and accessories. I curled my hair to look wavyish (cause Laurence likes girls with wavy hair cx)

When I descended the stairs Damion was following me with his gaze. (He slept downstairs because of our argument last night)

"Wow. You look nice."

"I know."

"So where are we going to go today hun?"

"Stop being Annoying. You know I'm not going with you today."

"But rice cakes"



Laurence's POV

Hehe...she's so cute. She asks me on a date to the ice rink but she doesn't know how to skate. Ahh... she's so cute.

"Ah!" Jade screamed as she was about to fall till I caught her.

"Ah...your so silly. You ask me on a date to the ice rink but you don't even know how to skate."

"Haha Ya. I just didn't want someone to find me..."


"Oh no one...Ah!" She slipped once again.

"Come on. Let's get something to warm you up."

"Hehe ok."

Jade's POV

Gad it's cold. Why did I ask him on a date to an ice rink.

"You ok?

"'s just cold."

"Lets go out. There's this place I wanna show you."


Me and Laurence went for a walk for a pretty long time that it was dark out already and we stopped at a big wall that was covered in vines. Laurence patted the wall till he patted in a certain place that didn't have a wall behind all the growing vines. He leaded me in and there was a beautiful pond. The moonlight glistened against the water as ripples were created by a frog and dragon flies.

"This is the place I go to when I just want to get fresh air. If your quiet you can see light bugs fly over the pond." he said as he put his arm around my waist and put his index finger on his lips showing me to be quiet. A few minutes later of silence lights started flying from behind the trees. They were fireflies.

"Wow..." I smiled in amazement.

"They're pretty just like you." he looked at me with a boyish grin on his face.

"Haha" I said and smiled back.



"I..."he stopped for a few seconds.

"I think I like you..." he gazed at me


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