Love for a jerk 10

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Me and my friends were getting out of class when I bumped into Damion in the hallway.

"Oh sorry-" I said as I looked up and realized it was Damion and his girlfriend holding hands. "D-damion..." I was about to say hi till Damion so rudely interrupted me.

"Watch where your going shorty!" he said in a mean tone and walked away without giving me another glance.

"What the fuck was that all about?" said ally

"Um... Lets go get lunch." said Emmy who grabbed my wrist to follow her.

As we were rushing to go to lunch for some reason I looked behind me to see a glimpse of Damion again and when he was in my sight I turned my head around and looked down.


Its afterschool and I was walking home alone when I suddenly heard someone running towards me from behind.

"Hey pumpkin!" said Damion as he put his hand around me.

"What the fuck do you want! What you wanna hurt my feelings even more?!" said Jade as she pushed Damion and got out of his grasp and looked at him with anger.

"Hey look sorry about what happened at school..." he said as he was trying to put his arm back around me till I forcibly pushed him away.

I started to fast walk to my house and Damion just followed me till I ran into my house and slammed the door shut. Right after i locked the door I started to cry and lean against the door and slowly slid down while I cried even more and ended up crying on the floor hugging my knees.

Damion's POV

"Ahh...come on jade I said im sorry" I said as I knocked on the door.

"Jade..." I was about to ask her again to open the door till I heard something... It was jade sobbing into tears. I would hear her wines and her irregular breathing through the thick door... She must be crying really hard.

" sorry..." I said as I rested my head against the door while supporting myself with my arm. "I love you." I said to hope it would comfort her but I just heard her wines and breathing even louder.


sigh I dont know what to do. i dont want to ignore him...and i dont want to see him. I cant miss school cause we have a group presentation. What do i do?!

Im walking to school. Its cold outside. If i knew it was going to be this cold i would have brought a thicker jacket. Oh well...the good thing is that Damion wasnt waiting in front of my hoise today or following me.

"Jade!" i heard a voice from behind me and turned around.

"oh...hai Geo." i said unintrested

"Hey so..." i stopped him frkm talking even more.

"No. I dont like you. So dont get your hopes up. Im sorry but K think we should just be friends or even less than friends is fine with me. So pleas get get over me already. Its disgusting." i said in such an evil amd mean way.

Oh my god. Did i just say that?!

"I..." Geo was intterupted again but by someone behind me.

"Didnt you hear her! Get lost im the only one she can love and there is no more room for extras." said Damion in a protective voice.

Geo ran away and ... i think he was crying. There was a moment of silence till i turnes around.

"You didnt have to be so mean i could have handled it" i said without making eye contact with him.

"Oh baby you wouldnt have taken care of it without me." he started to walk toward me. "No need to thank me..." he stopped walking till he was at mg side facing the opposite direction. "That was my goodbye present for you."

"Wha..." he interrupted me.

"Dont follow me. Im going to pick up Emma. Bye"

I stood in silence watching Damion walk away. I turned around and went to school. Damion didnt go to school. Emma did...But not him.

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