Hiden Past 11

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I came back from school and im just laying in bed txting ally on kik.

"hey so why didnt damion come to school today."

"idk he came over to my house in the morning...he said he was going to pick up emma and drop her off at school."

"oh cx"

ally is one of my only friends that i know wont get mad at me about a boy.

1) shes never fallen in love

2) she doesnt care about boy problems


"laying in bed txting you."

"lol me too." i said surpised at how we are in common.

"k ill txt u tomorrow k bye."

"bai." after i said bai i got a txt from a different conversation.

"hey go out side you house." is was from damion.

i went outside my house and saw damion all beat up with cuts and bruises all over him.

"Damion!!!" i ran towards him and brout him in my house amd layed him on my couch.

"What happened?! Are you ok?"

"I broke up with Emma amd she sent some guys to my house and they beat me up. I was eunning aqay from them and i made it to your house." he said then coughing up blood.

"You came to my house?"

"Ya your the first girl that isnt a nurse or docter to take care of my wounds. And i havw to say you did a good job at it too." he said laughing but coughing again.

"hey stop laughing your going to get yourself hurt again. Come on. Do you think you can make it to my room?"


We walked upstairs to my room and i layed him on my bed. I started treating his wounds. It was horrible. He had Cuts all over his body and bruises on his face.

I put my index finger on his cheek sofly "You got puched on the face..." and i dragged my finger down to his body cuts amd bruises. "and you got cut all over your body..." he winced. "by knives." i finished my sentence.

"How did you know." i didnt answer him or give him another look but kept on putting oitment on his woulds.

"...My dad has gotten into enough fights for me to realize how you got hurt." i finallly answered.

He didnt talk back or aske me anything but just stare at me.

Damion's POV

Her dad? What is she talking about? Has she watched her father get into fights and treated his wounds? Is that why shes so good at treating my wounds

I kept on thinking staring at Jade. She chuckled and broke me from my thoughts.

"My mom isnt even home yet...how the fuck does she think i can..." she didnt finish her sentence and froze

"Sorry I have alot of wounds."

"No its ok its not your fault." she said and smiled at me.

A few minutes went by and she finished tending to my wounds.

"k. Done."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Now pay me." she said sticking out her hand.


"Hahaha Im just kidding."

i laughed amd i felt a pain in my chest.

"Are you ok?"

"I guess im still hurt even if you tended to my wounds."

"Can you walk?"


"Stay over night."


" Stay over night. Its not safe for you to go out at night injured. Those guys might still be there."

"What about your parents."

"Dont worry my mom is problably drunk somewhere in Vagas with her boyfriend. And my grandparents called yesterday to tell me they are staying longer at my aunts house."

"Oh ok. You sure?"

"Ya ya. Dont worry."

We got ready to go to bed.

"Hey. Just sleep on my bed. Ill sleep on the floor just in case."

"no no. Let me sleep on the floor."

"No its ok your the injured one."

"Then...sleep with me."

Time went by and i couldnt sleep with this girl in the bed. I feel so hot.

"Are you ok. You not falling asleep."

"oh...ya its just that your in the bed and i..."

"Then i can just sleep on the floor."

"no. stay here. Ill go to sleep."



Its morning

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