Chapter 4

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Gautham stood there outside an office but only problem was everyone inside were talking and laughing around. There were about ten people just hanging around and making fun. Gautham looked around confused until he saw a room with a sign board Ms. Sindhuja Srinivas. He knocked on the door and a faint "come in" came from inside the room right after. He opened the doors and peaked in. There she was, wearing spectacles; brows frowned from concentrating and frustration as she signed some papers. Gautham cleared his throat to get her attention with no avail. So he knocked on her table standing in front of her desk which finally got her attention.

"Oh hi Gautham. What are you doing here??" Sindhu looked up at last and asked in confusion.

"I thought I would take you out for lunch for a change since you have already surprised me twice this week. You quite literally barged into my office and may I say "demanded" I come to lunch with you, all coz you were "bored at your office" Gautham deliberately said it all too dramatically air-quoting "Demanded" in order to add to the effect.

Sindhu gave me an unimpressed look but he can see her eyes brighten slightly which was worth the effort.

"Hahaha. Overdramatic much." She said with a dry face rolling her eyes but it quickly turned into a big fat grin and she asked him to wait for 5 minutes in her office.

She went out and Gautham can clearly imagine her face frowning with the scene out of her office. He can even faintly hear her unimpressed speech to people outside.

"Very funny guys. I think you all had enough fun for one day on my expense. Guys, I know that I let you do whatever you want after you guys complete your work. Which is perfectly fine but can you guys at least keep it down a bit. And have enough sense to at least pretend to work when there is someone else in the office. My friends in the office and you dumb heads did not even bother to notice. Now he is going to think I am paying you guys for having fun." She said more exasperated than authoritative.

"What?? Seriously??!"

"But mam! Why are you trying to impress this friend of yours?" They teased her back.

"Shut up you dumb heads before I screw you guys and show you who the boss is" that will be Sindhu.

Every other staff member gave her an unimpressed look as if they are sure nothing like that could ever happen even in their dreams.

"Why do I even try?! Anyways Arvind... in my office. And you guys. At least make sure nothing is stolen. Have an eye on the doors for god's sakes." She added exasperated.

"Sorry, mam. It won't happen again. We will behave. I promise" at last one of the staff said seriously.

"No it won't" she simply said, with authority. And all the staffs nodded solemnly.

She turned to her office satisfied. She frowned looking at Gautham standing behind her with an amused look. She just shook her head and went inside her office without really saying anything. Gautham and Arvind followed her in. Gautham sat on the couch while Arvind just stood there.

"Look, Arvind. I know you have practically run this office before me. I know you are more than capable but I don't understand why on hell you won't pass your exams."

Sindhu was practically glaring dagger while Arvind gave her a sheepish grin.

"I want you to go pack your desks. I can't keep you like this"

"But mam..." Arvind started but Sindhu cut him out with one look and he shut up gladly with a depressed look.

"I don't want you to be my employee. I want u to be a partner in this office. Do you think I kept the other room empty just for the fun of it? But I can't give you that office if you are not a CA. So I want you to pack your stuff today and head home. You have exactly a year. One whole year. I want you to complete your CA. I don't care if you just pass. I want the degree that's all. You get to step back into this office only when you complete your degree am I clear??"

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