Chapter 43

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Days passed by but Sindhu did not talk about that day ever again. But to Gautham's relief she did not pull away from him either. She behaved as if that day never happened. But this made Gautham even more nervous. He felt as if he was standing on a time bomb that was going to explode any moment now.

Because of it, he treated Sindhu even more carefully. He did not deny anything she asked. He did tease her or fight with her. He gave in every time regardless of who was at fault. He gave her space to sort things out. He literally treated her like a porcelain doll.

But of course, Sindhu's messed up head took his behavior in a whole different perspective. More like in a straight opposite perspective. For her his teasing and their bickering everyday was a show of affection towards each other. For her it was his way of giving her attention. But when Gautham stopped that, she felt as if he was detaching himself from her. She felt as if he was withdrawing from her. The more she felt like it, the more she craved his attention.

All her insecurities she fought so hard against once again plagued her. What if he already got tired of her?? What if he found her bothersome?? What is he found her annoying and decided he did not want her anymore?? All sorts of annoying questions popped out of her head that made her want to cry her eyes out.

At first she thought may be something was up at office and that maybe he was stressed because of it. But them it continued for one whole month. At last she had enough. So she decided that instead of brooding and coming up with possible answers she would just go up to him and ask directly.

And that was what she was doing at the moment, waiting for Gautham outside his office. Everybody left but Gautham still did not come out. So she went in and found him in his desk simply tapping his pen on the table and whiling away time.

Sindhu got downright pissed. She stormed towards him and asked him gritting her teeth, "Doing this is what you were busy with all this week ah??"

Gautham jumped in surprise when he suddenly saw Sindhu. His face instantly lit up but then before it could reach his eyes his brain comprehended what she just asked.

"What did I do??" Gautham asked absolutely clueless.

Sindhu took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She did not want to say something in an angry fit and later regret it. So she took a few minutes and gathered her thoughts. She thought of the reason she was here and then she asked in a nervous voice, "Are you tired of me already???"

"What??? Where is this coming from baby??? Why would you think that I got tired of you??" Gautham asked shocked and confused. He extended his arms and caressed her cheeks and brought her closer to him.

When Sindhu felt his touch, all her pent up emotions came down crashing in waves. And without even realizing her eyes started tearing up and she started complaining, "You won't tease me anymore. You don't talk back to me. You won't bicker with me. You don't fight with me. You just agree with whatever I say as if you want to end the conversation as soon as possible. You don't even steel kisses from me anymore. You were acting so distant as if I was bothering you or something. How else was I supposed to think?? You idiot,"

Gautham stared at her shell shocked. How can someone so smart can come up with such a bullshit conclusion he did not know. But when he saw her crying, he felt absolutely gutted. He felt as if someone had punched the air out of him. He grabbed her hands and dragged her out. Even though there was no one in office, he did not want to take his chance and display his private life for all of his colleagues to see. So he quickly dragged her to the roof while her ranting continued the whole way.

"If there is something I did to annoy you or irritate you, you tell me straight, I will change. I will stop doing it. But please don't pull away from me. If even you end up pulling away from me, I won't know what I would do. Please okay. I will change. I won't pester you." She went on and on without any sign of ever stopping while tears just kept spilling out of her eyes.

When he had successfully dragged her to the roof he immediately pulled her against himself and sealed his lips against hers and stopped her ranting.

Gautham could taste her salty tears on her lips which only made him so much more desperate. Unlike all his kisses before, this kiss was slightly harsh and punishing at first. He devoured her lips with all his might but then it slowly turned apologetic when he gently worshipped her lips. He deepened the kiss by plunging her tongue into her mouth in a desperate attempt to convey his emotions. He was kissing her as if his life depended on it.

When Sindhu felt his tongue plunge into her mouth, she felt absolutely delirious. Her mind was muddled. She forgot where she was or what she came here for. All that mattered to her at that moment was the person kissing her as if she was his absolute everything. She was getting breathless and her legs felt like it would give away any minute. Right when she thought she was going to die of lack of air, Gautham pulled away.

Both of them were panting with desperate need for air. Even then Gautham did not let her go. He rested his forehead against hers while Sindhu took a few deep breathes to calm her pounding heart. Right when she thought she was okay, Gautham once again sealed his lips with hers for another round of breathless kiss.

He repeated the same cycle at least a half a dozen time before he was satisfied. Then he took her to a corner and sat her down on his laps and held her in his embrace tightly. There was desperation in his hug that Sindhu could not comprehend. He was holding her as if he wants to merge with her.

After what seemed like forever, he let her go. But then he cupped her face in his hands and looked straight into her eyes and said earnestly, "You can't even imagine what you mean to me Sindhu. You can't ever comprehend how desperately I need you in my life. So don't ever think I will get tired of you- it's not even within the realm of possibilities. Not now, not ever okay?? So don't even entertain such thoughts ever again okay??"

Sindhu could see how desperately Gautham wanted her to believe his words. And for some absurd reason at that moment, she did believe them. So she nodded and said, "Okay," sincerely.

Sindhu was once again pulled into a bone crushing hug.

They stayed like this for a long time without any of them saying anything until a security guard caught them and chased them away.

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