Chapter 15

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Once they were done with dinner, Gautham left. And Sindhu sat Steve down and asked in a stern voice, "Did you know that pops snuck out again last night?? He was partying god knows where well after midnight!!"

"What???" Steve asked shocked. "Seriously??"

Sindhu simply nodded.

"Damn the old man. He happily snuck out to party while I was stuck with doing my homework. He even conveniently sent that hawk Vijay with me. Don't worry sis. I will teach him a lesson when I get home. The nerve of that guy!!! He went to a party without me..." but he before could continue, Sindhu twisted Steve's ears and Steve let out a wail, "Ah... ah... Ouch. Sindhu it hurts. Leave me."

"Steve you are an adult now. Even though barely. Can you act responsibly for once???" Sindhu asked in a stern voice.

Steve bobbed his head quietly. Steve turned 20 this year. He was actually doing MBA in IIM Bangalore.

In all honesty, Steve was not playful. Growing up as an orphan, he knew what 'life' was at a very young age. Because of this, he was able to appreciate John for the fullest extent. He even started a business on his own on the side when he was 18. But it was John's at most wish to let Steve have a normal life. John wanted Steve to have a carefree youth and John did everything in his power to create an easy-going environment all his life. That is why he kept Steve away from the affluent environment that was filled with wolves. All people knew was John had a son but no one really knows who he was or what he looked like.

That's why Steve acted so carefree. He wanted to give John his wish. But he was like that only in front of Sindhu and John. Because he knew they would never take advantage of him.

And Steve wanted to protect these two people in his life at all cost. He did not care if he lost everything else in his life, but these two people gave him a sense of home and he did not want to lose that at any cost. The sense of family and home was something that he craved with every nerve ending at a very young age. So he knows the value of that and he cherished it with at most sincerity.

Steve was actually protective of these two. So much so that he had secretly hired bodyguards to follow John 24/7. He almost always knew where and what John was up to. But he did not want to restrict on John too much, so he always let him be unless and until he goes overboard.

And the main reason why he came to Chennai was to meet and assess Gautham. The seminar was just a convenient excuse.

Seeing his obedient expression, Sindhu softened a bit. She ruffled his hairs and said in a gentle voice, "I'm sorry. I know you take care of him. I was just worried last night. By the way, how're your studies going??? You're still acing all your subjects???"

"Of course," Steve said proudly beaming at Sindhu.

Sindhu went and sat beside him. They both stayed quiet.

After a while, Steve broke the silence and said, "Gautham is nice. He seems to care about you a lot."

"I know... and he does," Sindhu answered simply.

"What about his parents??? What are they like??" Steve asked.

"Them too. They actually seem like cool parents. They reminded me a lot of John actually." Sindhu replied.

"Then what are you still thinking about sis??" Steve asked looking at Sindhu.

Sindhu shook her head and said, "I don't know." She had a faraway look in her face that said she was deep in her thoughts.

"If you can't decide to say 'yes', think about the consequences of saying 'no'," Steve suggested.

Sindhu gave him a shocked look. Sindhu was impressed by his suggestion since that was exactly how she thought this whole marriage thing through when she was painting.

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