Chapter 11

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When Gautham reached home, he found his mum and dad still awake and bickering in the living room.

As soon as Govind saw Gautham, he said with a mischievous glint on his eyes, "Renu, look your lover boy is back??"

Renuka smirked at Govind and said in a mocking voice, "Shame on you Govind. You are using our son as a distraction. And you thought it's going to work on me. How long have we been married and you still don't know better?"

Govind hung his heads down and looked pitiful. Renuka's face softened slightly but she still told in a stern voice, "You better call Mr. Arjun tomorrow and sort it out. Or else don't bother coming for dinner tomorrow night."

Govind nodded obediently and said, "Yes, mam."

Gautham let out an amused chuckle seeing his parent's antics.

Govind knew that he was slightly clumsy when it comes to his work. And he respected Renuka greatly for her professionalism. So even though he argued with her for the sake of it, he almost always listened to her. And even though Renuka looked like a tyrant just now, he knew he used that voice only when she gets tired of explaining something multiple times.

Reciprocally, Renuka always listened to him when it came to decisions regarding personal issues. Because she knew very well she was way too emotional when it came to her family and she had messed up more than enough times due to her fierce protectiveness and impulsiveness.

Seeing his parents, he suddenly imagined him and Sindhu doing something similar in the future and he smiled warmly at the image he conjured in his head. After a while, he came out of his daze and signed loudly and thought 'I am so whipped'.

He shook his head and sat in the couch opposite to his parents. Renuka and Govind watched his son's antics with an amused smile.

Govind looked at his son who still seemed slightly dazed. He couldn't resist his urge to tease. So he said, "Your mom told me you seemed whipped. And from what I am seeing right now, I would say she is spot on." And a goofy grin played at his face.

Gautham came out of his daze and said in a fake shocked voice, "What?? Of course not!! Mum is spouting nonsense."

Renuka's eyebrows slightly raised at her son's blatant denial but she kept quiet. Govind, on the other hand, couldn't let this opportunity go. So he said in a dry voice, "And I am Superman. Come on Gautham. You think I am blind."

Gautham just glared at his dad but did not say anything more. Because he knew he cannot refute his dad. And Govind knew Gautham like the back of his hands. But most of all his mind was in chaos. He couldn't make head or tail about his feelings towards Sindhu that hit him like a freight train. And he felt railroaded.

Seeing his son's state, Govind went and sat near him and put his hands over Gautham's shoulders and talked in a soft voice, " Hey. What's the matter?? Your mum told me you were freaking the other day!"

Gautham looked up at Govind and said with a frown, "I am not freaking out. I am just... Okay, maybe I am freaked out. Its just scary you know. The things I feel for Sindhu. I mean is it even possible to feel so much for a person in such a short time??"

"Gautham, you feel what you feel. This has got nothing to do with how long you know the person. And besides, what are you afraid of??" Govind asked.

"Well for starters, if I know one thing about Sindhu, I know for a fact that she is terrified of commitment. And I have no idea how to convince her otherwise and on top of that... I just...", Gautham let out a frustrated breath and ran his hands through his hairs.

"You are afraid you will end up loving Sindhu and she'll not being reciprocating it. Just like what happened with Priya.", Renuka finished for Gautham.

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