Chapter 20

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Sindhu's lips spread into a wide grin as soon as they entered the city. The city was bustling with life and Sindhu drove through it with ease. It was as if she knew each nook and cranny of the city. She went in and out of all sorts of small and big roads avoiding traffic like a pro.

Gautham reached out and pulled on her cheeks and said in a playful voice, "Can you stop grinning for a second??? I mean I get it you love the city. But if you keep on grinning like this, your jaws are going to start hurting."

Sindhu sent him a glare and rubbed on her cheeks and to add to the dramatic effect she even let out, "Ouch!! That hurts!!" While pouting at Gautham.

"Dramebaaz!! (Overdramatic)", Gautham said and simply dismissed her antics.

Sindhu finally stopped the car after an hour of driving in front of a huge gate. Gautham figured they were on the outskirts of the city somewhere. The property itself seemed extravagantly large in size. The security guard took a peek at Sindhu and hurriedly opened the gate and gave her a wide grin.

"How are you doing uncle??? How is Rahul doing??" Sindhu bellowed at the guard.

"I am fine. Rahul is off to college this year." The guard replied with a prideful grin and a respectable bow.

Then Sindhu drove through a path covered both sides with trees. But it did not look like the typically well-kept garden like it usually is in private properties. It actually looked wild and unkempt. It almost looked like a dense forest. But the path itself was well laid and very well kept.

After a couple of minutes of driving, a house came to view. As far as size goes, it was large. But it did not have an intimidatingly flashy look. Rather it looked homely. It did not scream the luxury of a mansion, rather it conveyed the comfort of a home.

In front of the house was a circular cleared space with grass that was prime and proper. And there was a fountain in its center.

Sindhu parked the car in front of the door. Sindhu did not even bother to take out the keys, she bounced out of the car and started climbing the stairs to the house two steps at a time. But before she could step inside the house, two golden retrievers pounced on her and toppled her. The Retrievers started licking on Sindhu enthusiastically. Sindhu happily nuzzled on then and asked, "Hey Luzy. Hey Brad. How have you guys been??" She started playing with them forgetting everything else and Gautham just stood there behind her without knowing what to do. That was until they heard a deep rumbling voice from inside the house accompanied with the sound of footsteps.

"You forgot all about this old man the minute you saw those brats." the voice grumbled while a middle-aged man came into view.

He was tall and very fit for his age. He had salt and pepper hair and slight stubble. He was playfully glaring at Sindhu with an aggrieved expression.

As soon as Sindhu heard the voice, she bounced on her feet and ran towards the old and pounced on the guy. Sindhu circled her arms around his necks and buried her face in his chest. The other person circled one of his arms around her and patted on the back of her head with the other hand in an affectionate manner.

Sindhu felt overwhelmed at that moment. She did not realize how much she missed John until this very moment when she was buried on his arms. And her emotions were dripping down her eyes as tears.

"Hey... are you not happy to see this old guy?? Look at you bawling your eyes out like a kid just at the sight of me. I don't look that scary, do I??" John asked playfully as soon as he felt Sindhu tearing up.

Sindhu stayed in his embrace for a couple of minutes more. After that, she pulled out of the hug, forcefully wiped her tears and glared at John with an adorable pout and asked, "Who is bawling?? Who is acting like a kid?? You're getting old John. You should check your eyes."

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