Chapter 8

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Sindhu woke up to traffic noise. She dozed off 5 minutes into the ride. Seeing that Sindhu had finally woken up, Gautham asked her, "Where do you want to eat??"

Sindhu thought about it for a minute and asked, "You like Maggie??"

Gautham said, "Yea"

Then Sindhu directed him to an apartment building. It was on the outskirts of the city. They still had half an hour ride to reach home.

Gautham gave Sindhu a confused look. "Where is this exactly??"

"Oh, this... This is my apartment of sorts I guess. My parents don't know about this place. Come on. Let's go." Sindhu said in a matter of fact voice.

"Well, that explained everything. Thanks for nothing." Gautham said sarcastically following Sindhu inside the building.

The strong stench of paint and thinner hit his nostrils as soon as he stepped inside. Now that explains everything I guess, Gautham thought to himself.

"I just come here whenever I need to get away. When things become too much.", Sindhu explained walking straight towards what he hoped is the kitchen. Because in no time Gautham's stomach is going to start making noise for food and that would be peaks of embarrassment.

Gautham's train of thoughts was interrupted by music blasting all around him. Thankfully it was not over the top loud. Gautham looked up and noticed that there were speakers all around the living room.

After that, he looked at the apartment itself. The living room was devoid of any sort of furniture except for three bean bags lying around. There was a TV wall mounted. And there were a couple of paint bottles scattered around in the corner with a mug full of brushes and canvas rolls. That explains the stench.

To the left there was an open kitchen and kitchen seemed to be well equipped and to his right was a door which he suppose should lead to a bedroom where Sindhu went into. Gautham went in that direction. He first knocked but he had no hope of being heard with the music all around. So he tried the handle and it was not locked. He first peeked in, seeing as Sindhu was nowhere to be seen he entered the room. It was dead dark inside. Gautham searched around and finally flipped the switch.

Gautham was instantly amazed by seeing what Sindhu did with her room. There were only two pieces of furniture there. One cupboard which seemed built-in. There was no bed- just the mattress was laid in the corner. And a small table was there besides the mattress.

But that was not that was peculiar. The whole room was painted Dark Red. Or rather three sides were painted Red while the wall near the bed was splashed with all sorts of different color and for some reason, it looked breathtaking. Somehow it was splashed in a way that one color merged with others in a perfect sink and the wall itself was white. Gautham guessed it to be Sindhu's handy work.

His inspection was interrupted by Sindhu coming out of what he suppose it the attached bathroom. She seemed to have washed her face.

"Oh sorry... I just wanted to wash up a bit. You can use it if you want. I will go start at our dinner. You must be hungry." Sindhu said while drying her face.

"Starving.",Gautham replied but took up on her offer to tidy himself a bit.


Silence surrounded them except for them noisily slurping the noodles. Thankfully it was not awkward since Gautham was wolfing his as if he had starved for days. And an amused smile spread on Sindhu's face. She was ready to tease him but then she liked him like this. She liked him comfortable around her. She would hate it if he starts getting self-conscious.

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