Chapter 39

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Gautham woke up in the middle of the night. He let Sindhu sleep through the day. He did not even bother waking her up for the dinner. She seemed she needed the sleep more. But when he checked the bed, she wasn't there. He checked the bathrooms and kitchen but could not find her.

And suddenly he thought of something and he rushed to terrace. Before going he gave it some thought and took a blanket with him. And as expected he found her on top of his house's water tank. It was a big rectangle box structure raised on top of four pillars and made of bricks and access to top was via a steel ladder. Gautham found her on top of it lying down curled up into a ball. The floor was hard and the weather was cold. Gautham chided her nicely on his head but sat beside her and went to scoop her into his laps. But Sindhu sat up straight with a start when she suddenly felt someone touch her.

"Oh! Gautham," Sindhu said calming down.

Gautham did not say anything. He just scooped her and sat her on his laps. He sat with his legs stretched in the front while Sindhu sat sideways leaning on him.

"What are you doing here??" Sindhu asked.

"I want to ask you that. What are you doing here?? It's so cold and you are lying down on bare floor. Do you ever use your brain??" Gautham scolded her and draped the blanket around her.

"I just came to get some air." Sindhu murmured with a pitiful face.

Gautham let out a sign. Why does he even try?? Anyways it was impossible for him to stay mad at her. He just brought her closer to him and draped his arms around her. He rubbed the back of her head and gave a gentle kiss over her crown. Sindhu snuggled in with a big smile for having successfully escaped without a scratch.

"Are you okay now??" Gautham asked softly.

"Hmmm" Sindhu replied nodding her head.

"Really??" Gautham asked again arching his brows.

"I will get there... eventually." Sindhu replied.

"You can visit them whenever you want okay?? I will take you whenever you want. Just say the words," Gautham reassured her.

Sindhu stayed quiet. She just shifted such that she now sat strangling him on his laps. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face over his shoulders.

Not in a million years have she ever thought there would come a day when she will be acting so clingy. She always faced everything on her head alone. She never thought of sharing it with anyone ever. She always had a tackle over her emotions. In all her life from when she had turned 15 years old, she never once cried in front of other people not even her mum saw her crying. Let alone be comforted by one. But for some god freaking reason when she felt his arms around her in the car, the dam just broke without her even realizing. All her feelings felt cringe worthily clichéd.

But she was grateful for them. She never knew having someone beside her can make everything so easy to deal with even if they are not really doing anything. Just his presence made her feel light.

"How long have you been up?? Did you have something to eat??" Gautham asked softly rubbing the back of her head.

"I am not hungry. I think I woke up an hour before midnight. I freshened up and came here." Sindhu replied pulling away from the hug.

"I can see you stole my cloths again." Gautham said seeing his shirt sleeves hanging past her hands and hem hanging past her thighs. She had a full length black legging beneath his shirt.

"Not stolen. Borrowed," Sindhu corrected him pointing her finger at him. Or rather it should be pointing the shirt sleeves at him if you want to be accurate.

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