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"Hurry up Mommy!" Sydney yelled as she got out of the car. "Now dear, wait for your friends," she said, grasping her hand. It almost seemed like she was afraid of the place itself. "Sydney!" A small girl with blonde hair and teal eyes ran up and squeezed Sydney. "Hehe, hiya Cowinne!" Sydney's squeaky voice prevented her from pronouncing the R in Corinne. "Will and Katie are gonna be late, again," she pouted, crossing her tiny arms. Sydney made the same face and also crossed her arms. "Heyy, don't copy meeee!" Corinne stuck her tongue out. "Calm down, you two. Let's go find a table and wait for Katie, Will, and their parents," my mother scolded. "Sowwy mommy," Sydney tried hard to pronounce R. Sydney pouted. "Silly sweet pea, one day you'll be able to say it," she reassured, smiling at the tiny brunette.
Katie, Will, and their parents showed up at the right time, just as they walked into the pizzeria. An all-too-familiar happy voice spoke up from the large stage in front of the dining area.
"H-h-hey kids! It's your old f-friend Freddy Fazbear! I hope your ready for some f-fun!"
All the kids cheered, including the four friends. "Katie, which one is your favowite?" Will giggled. "Still can't pronounce R Siddles?" Sydney poked Will. "Don't laugh, I'm still twying!" Sydney couldn't help but laugh at how she sounded. "I like Foxy," Katie said, pointing to the Pirate's Cove curtain. "I like Bonnie..." Corinne shyly said as her cheeks turned baby pink. "I like Chica, only cuz of the cupcakes," Will tried to hide his face, since it was totally obvious he had a kiddie-crush on Chica the Chicken. "Sydney likes Freddy the best," Katie said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. "Staph doing that Katie!" It's not funny!" Katie stuck her tongue out, and for some reason, Corinne and Will did the same. "Hey, Sydney, try to read that sign by the Pirate's Cove thingy!" Will said, trying not to laugh. "It says, 'Out of Order.'" Sydney said flatly, looking Will in the eye. "Wow, she said R right!" He smiled and skipped off towards Chica, who was handing out cupcakes. Sydney and Corinne walked off to go say hi to Freddy and Bonnie, while Katie wandered near Pirate's Cove.
"Hey little girl, what's your name?" Freddy spoke to the tiny, green-gold-eyed brunette. "Sydney," Sydney spoke shyly with a cute grin. "Beautiful name, Miss Sydney," the animatronic bear smiled at her. "Hi Sydney! Who's this little girl?" Bonnie pointed to Corinne. "I'm Corinne..." Corinne shyly waved and hid behind Sydney. "Cowinne, they're not gonna hurt you," Sydney whispered, pulling Corinne out from behind her. Bonnie laughed and took Corinne's hand. "Sydney, sweetheart, Katie's parents are looking for her. Have you seen her?" Sydney's mother interrupted the playful conversation between Sydney and Freddy. "Excuse me, for a minute," Sydney said, and walked away from Freddy. "Okay, Will is still talking to Chica, and Corinne is playing with Bonnie in the arcade," Sydney's mother said. "Mommy, I think I know where she is," Sydney said, and walked towards Pirate's Cove. Her mother did not see her walk off. And when she did, Sydney had disappeared behind the curtain.
"Sydney!" Katie's voice said happily as she was talking with Foxy the Pirate Fox. "He was telling me a few-"
"SYDNEY!!!! KATIE!!!! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR HEADS?!" Katie and Sydney's mothers rushed in and swooped up the children. "Katie! If that fox told you anything, forget it!" Katie's mother yelled at her daughter. Corinne and Will's mothers had picked them up, as well. "Mommy? Why are we leaving?" Sydney said, her eyes brimming with tears. Her mother had never acted this way. As the children were carried out of the pizzeria, the animatronics turned to look at their faces. Their sad, scared, confused faces. Outside, they were smiling at the other children. Inside, they were hurt beyond anything else to see looks like that on those children's faces.
"Mommy?" Sydney said, a tear rolling down her cheek. Although her mother said nothing the rest of the day, Sydney swore she heard her whisper the words that opened curiosity in her mind.
"Sydney can't know the truth. Not yet."

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