The Snow Gala

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Sydney was busy pinning Kat's curled hair up with the sparkly barrettes. It was extremely hard since Kat would not sit still. "Relax, I'm not going to poke you with the barrettes," Sydney muttered. "Sorry, I guess I'm a little jumpy from that darn pizzeria..." Kat said. "And what do you think 'special' means? I mean, the fact that we don't even know WHAT we are scares us," Corinne said. She was trying to shove her feet into heels. "I wish Sydney's mom would have put more in that letter," Will said, straightening his tie. "By the way, where are Katelyn, Ally, and Jazmine?" Kat asked. "They are taking a separate car. We couldn't all fit into Will's," she replied. Sydney added the last touch to Kat's hair before before they went downstairs. "I don't think we should trust the animatronics. I think it would be better if we stayed away from them,"Kat said as they walked out the front door. "Maybe so, but we can't risk Wolfie's life," Sydney said. "He's one of them! At least, I think he is. Right?" Corinne asked. Sydney sighed and prepared to say the obvious. "He does not want to murder innocent humans. He would never attack a human. I know this because he was once my friend. But now, everything I thought I knew was turned upside down. I don't even know if I can trust anybody else but you guys." Will poked Sydney. "That may be true, but let's not worry about that right now. The time will come when we may have to fight, but that's not today. Today, we will try and have fun!" Will chirped. "Honestly, now I can't tell if that's Will or Chica talking," Kat giggled. "Yea, he sounds like her cousin Tweety Bird!" Corinne played along. It brought a smile to Sydney's face. However, that smile would have disappeared in a heartbeat if she was at the pizzeria.

*at Freddy's*

"TELL US WHERE THEY ARE!!!!!" Bonnie screeched, slapping Wolfie. If they kept this up, Wolfie would become a scrap of metal. "You aren't getting anything out of me by beating me to a piece of metal!" Wolfie protested. Foxy screeched and slapped him again. "THEY BE TOO IMPORTANT' TO LOSE!" Foxy yelled in Wolfie's face. "WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! THEY AREN'T YOUR PROPERTY," Wolfie yelled. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW!!!" Chica shrieked, kicking him in the face. "If Goldie finds out about this..." Freddy swore in another language. "Wait...GOLDIE?!" Wolfie yelled as he proceeded to get beaten up by Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. Freddy screeched again, and his paw lurched forward and held Wolfie by the neck. If Freddy twisted his hand, he could easily snap off the top of Wolfie's exoskeleton. "TELL. US. WHERE. THEY. ARE. NOW." Wolfie whimpered and shook his head. Freddy twisted his hand slightly, making Wolfie screech in pain. "THEY LEFT FOR A PARTY. THERE. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW," Wolfie screeched equally as loud. There was a 'thud' as Freddy threw him across the room. "YOU OBEY US NOW," Bonnie said, pulling him back up. "Ye will do as we say, or ye be walkin' the plank," Foxy spoke in a dark tone. "Contact Ally, Kat, and Jazmine. Lure them here. If I'm not mistaken, the four pathetic humans do care A LOT about them," Freddy said. Wolfie's eyes widened. Bring Ally and the three others back into this torturous prison? His heart couldn't bear it. Unfortunately, he had no other choice. "I...will, Freddy..." Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy abruptly left the room, slamming and locking the supply closet door. "Ally...I'm so sorry..." Wolfie sat silent for the next two hours.

*at the Snow Gala*

Everyone immediately noticed the seven friends as they walked into the dance. Sydney and Corinne kept receiving questions about Freddy and Bonnie, Katelyn got asked if she met Foxy, and Will got swarmed by cute girls for being brave. None of them wanted to answer questions about what happened though; it was a good thing nobody asked. The teachers welcomed them back, saying they were exempt from all the missed homework and tests. They even got to keep their A's. "They probably did that because this was a life or death situation," Will said. "Oh really?! I had no idea!" Katelyn retorted. The seven friends spent the next two hours dancing, eating, talking, and becoming reacquainted with other people from school. For once in a long time, they actually felt...almost NORMAL. However, they knew that deep down inside, they weren't. In fact, they were anything BUT normal. However, that thought did not cross their heads for the whole dance.

At about 11:00, Ally's phone went off. She, Kat, and Jazmine were busy talking about the Percy Jackson series. "Hey! It's...Wolfie? How...oh yea. Sydney forgot her phone," Ally said. The text read:

"Ally! Kat! Jazmine! I'm in trouble! The animatronics are beating me for letting you escape! me..."

*the text ended here*

"We gotta help him!" Ally cried. "What about Sydney and the others? They need to come too!" Kat pointed out. "They are the ones that Freddy and his a-hole friends are after! We can't bring them into the danger zone! Otherwise, we might lose them forever!" Ally yelled. Jazmine nodded. Without another word, the three girls bolted out of the dance, and back to the pizzeria to save Wolfie. Sydney and the others didn't see them leave.

*at the pizzeria*

Wolfie was ready to jump Ally, Kat, and Jazmine when they walked in. It didn't take long, though. "WOLFIE!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Ally yelled as she burst through the door, Jazmine and Kat by her side. "Wolfie?" Ally called. That's when they heard a screech, and saw someone jump out at them from under a table. However, they did not have time to react before Wolfie jumped on them, and knocked them out. "Ally...Kat...Jazmine...I'm so sorry..." Wolfie then dragged them to the stage to be handled by Freddy.

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