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Wolfie was taking a huge risk by helping the humans escape. Not only was he risking his own life, but the humans were risking their lives as well. They knew what went down when the animatronics got mad; it was not pretty.

"Okay, so I have to set the kitchen on fire? What is Chica going to say?" Wolf is asked nervously. He was worried about this plan; he was mainly worried that Chica would hate him if she figured out it was him who purposely set the kitchen on fire. "Don't worry about Chica. Just say that Will accidentally left the stove on, and he left cardboard pizza platters on it. ," Katelyn said. "Ugh, this better work Katelyn," Wolfie muttered. "It will! We already went over this with Sydney. Unless you don't make your lying believable, we won't get caught," Katelyn reassured. "Well...okay. I better watch the animatronics, then. Make sure they're not gonna find out about you," Wolfie said. Sydney walked up and shook her head. "Better yet, why don't you disable the camera system for now? If they can'tlook on the cameras, they won't know we left. And make sure you lock the door to the supply closet. If they ask where we are, tell them we're asleep." Wolfie nodded. Sydney's phone beeped. "Okay! Good luck Wolfie! Don't let us down!" Katelyn said.

Wolfie had to stall Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, and Chica long enough for the humans to get out the door. Taking a deep breath, he took out the matches that Will had lent him. He lined up a bunch of cardboard pizza platters, and he lit them with the matches. Pretty soon, the whole kitchen counter was on fire. "HELP!!!!!FIRE!!!!!"

Upon hearing Wolfie's cry, Freddy cursed under his breath and hopped off the stage with Bonnie and Chica. He yelled to Foxy for him to come with them to help Wolfie. For the time being, the animatronics forgot about Sydney and her friends. "Hehe, this worked too well," Corinne giggled evilly. "Let's bolt for it!" Ally shouted. The friends took off toward the door, and they made it outside. They did not stop running until they got to Sydney's house.

*back at the pizzeria*

"THE KITCHEN!!!!!" Chica screeched. She loved the kitchen more than any place in the pizzeria. And if anything bad happened to it, she would most likely kill herself, or cut off her power, or whatever the animatronics considered suicide. "Throw all the water you can on it!" Bonnie yelled. It was hard to hear him over Chica's screeching. Freddy and Foxy were throwing buckets full of water on the fire. It might have taken at least 30 buckets. Then finally, as if by some miracle, the fire went out. However, the kitchen counters and cabinets underneath them were soiled black. There was some ashes here and there, but there was no unfixable damage. "M-my k-kitchen..." Chica sobbed. "Who is responsible for this madness?!" Freddy demanded, looking straight at Wolfie. "Will must have left the stove on while making a pizza earlier. All these cardboard pizza platters caught fire as a result." Lying felt extremely uncomfortable to Wolfie, especially when he was dealing with murderous robots. "I know Will! He would never leave the stove on! He wouldn't do anything that he knows will break my heart! I've known that since he first came here as a child!" Chica protested. The other animatronics nodded in agreement. Wolfie cursed inside his head. These animatronics were smarter than he thought. "Wolfie. The truth. Now," Foxy growled, making Wolfie jump. Wolfie opened his mouth to explain, but someone's hand punched him across the face. Wolfie looked up, and he saw Freddy, eyes black with rage, looking ready to kill him. Wolfie's eyes widened as he realized that he'd been caught. Freddy had been listening the whole time. He always was, and always has been.


Sydney walked into her house, but her mother was nowhere to be seen. Jazmine found a note by the fireplace, instead. It read:

"Dear Sydney, my sweetheart, I know you are trapped in the pizzeria. I was waiting to tell you the truth about that place when you turned 19, but I had no idea you would need the advice so soon. I am so sorry I wasn't able to tell you the truth before you went to your job. If I had known you may never return, I would have told you everything. If you are reading this, if you have finally made it home, this means that I am on an important trip. These people I know may help me to understand the animatronics motives for you and your friends. Let me tell you right now, those animatronics are after SOMETHING of you and your friends. You four were always special. I do not know why they want you so badly, but if you finally made it home, and decide to go back, be at the ready. Until I see you again, I hope you remain safe.

Best wishes, Holly."

"M-mom?" Sydney's eyes welled up with tears. " are we special?! Do we have some sort of power?! Cuz one thing's for sure: they ain't getting my power if I have one!" Will stuck his nose up. "This is not the time to be funny, Will. We have another problem on our plate. From what Sydney's mother knows, it seems we have SOMETHING...something that the animatronics are after. This could be dangerous!" Katelyn said. "Her mother was referring to me, Sydney, Will, and Katelyn. Ally, Kat, and Jazmine don't have anything to do with this," Corinne says. "Which means they'll be safe..." Sydney said. "I don't care if we don't have anything to do with this! We are your friends, and we are gonna help you for sure! After all, we were the ones who came looking for you!" Ally said. "Besides, now's not the time to be worrying! We have to get ready for the Snow Gala!" Jazmine said cheerfully. "Yea! Let's try to put off our worried for now, and let's focus on having a good time," Kat said with a smile. Sydney smiled back and nodded. However, the fact that the animatronics were after her and her friends for something would not stop troubling her. "They had me fooled all along," Sydney whispered to herself.

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