They Aren't Nice at All

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Sydney and the others missed their families badly. They missed their other friends, they missed their fun nights out, and somehow they missed school. "We can't do anything about it, though. We're stuck here for God knows how long," Will said, flopping down beside Katelyn and Sydney. "Hey, where's Corinne? I thought she'd be here for so we can talk about escape," Katelyn said, checking the time on her phone. "I'm surprised the animatronics haven't found out about our plans yet," Sydey said excitedly. "Wow, you REALLY want to leave, don't you?" Will chuckled. "Yea, I do. I hate Freddy. I miss coming home and seeing my mom congratulate me on a good grade, or help me with homework. I want my life exactly the way it was before I got you into this mess," Sydney said, burying her face in her hands. "Hey, it's not completely your fault. Besides, best friends don't let you do stupid stuff alone," Katelyn smiled and poked me. "And there was no way I was gonna stay home and do nothing. I get bored way too easily, and if it weren't for this, I would have started a house fire," Will laughed at how stupid he sounded. "Wow, Will," Sydney said. She tried so hard not to laugh. That is, until Katelyn got this wild idea to push Will. So when she did, he was sitting cross-legged, and he rolled on his back. Sydney and Katelyn both busted into hysterical laughter. "Haha, so funny, you bullies," Will said, brushing himself off. "Now seriously, where the heck is Corinne?" Sydney opened her mouth to say something, but she was interuppted by a scream. "C'mon! She might be getting beaten!" Sydney cried, yanking Katelyn and Will up and running towards the backstage area.

Sydney's theory was correct, unfornuately. "BONNIE?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" Sydney screamed at the purple rabbit, while Katelyn and Will went to block the doors to keep the other animatronics out. Sydney shoved Bonnie aside and went to undo Corinne's restraints. When Sydney saw her, she choked back tears.

There were cut marks on her wrists, her face bruised, her arms scratched as well as her legs.  The cut marks,though, Sydney hadn't noticed. "Corinne! I-" Sydney didn't get to finish as Bonnie's fist nearly missed her face. "Katelyn! Will! Undo the restraints!" she cried. That's when she noticed that they were missing. "WHAT?!" They were gone. Sydney now realized she had to calm Bonnie down and rescue Corinne on her own. Sydney's phone went off. It was Will. The text said,"Those god dang animatronic-jerks broke down the door and dragged me and Katie down the hall. We'll get away and try and stop Freddy from reaching you. If he does...hold strong, Sydney." Sydney barely had time to finish reading as Bonnie's leg kicked her legs out from under her, sending Sydney into a face-plant. She army-crawled towards the restraints to a now-hysterical Corinne. "Shhh! I-I'll cut you free!" Sydney pulled out that sharp tool she snuck out of the backstage room and cut open Corinne's arm and leg restraints. "Get out of here! Go! I'll catch up with you later!" Sydney said, shoving Corinne towards the door. Bonnie grabbed Sydney by the ankle and threw her against the wall. "Not. In. Control," Bonnie hissed as he reached for a suit to stuff Sydney in. However, Sydney was, once again, too fast for him and exited the room. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!" she panicked as she ran down the hall, looking for Will and Katie. 'WILL?! KATIE?!" Sydney cried as she desperately looked for them, avoiding Bonnie at all costs. "SYDNEY!!! THEY'RE IN HERE!!!" It was Corinne. Sydney ran towards the bathrooms to see them looking like Corinne with scratch marks and bruised faces.

"Getting away from Chica and Foxy was no walk in the park. That chic can PUNCH," Will said, out of breath. "Yea, Mr. Sonic the Hedgefox was harder to get away from than last time," Katelyn said, wiping sweat off her forehead. "I'm gonna say this one time and one time only: those animatronics aren't nice at ALL. They act so nice and then they become so mean," Sydney said, trying to fix her bloody knee with some cloth. "Aww, Sydney, that hurts me. Why would you say that?" said a sickly sweet voice from behind her. Sydney had no time to turn around before she was being dragged back to Freddy's room. Sydney watched as the other animatronics did the same to her friends. "Next time, show some respect for the other animatronics," he scolded, slapping the poor girl across the face. "Oh don't worry, next time I'll be sure to DISCONNECT them," Sydney hissed, punching Freddy across the nose. "Why you little-" Sydney punched him again as hard as she could, considering he was made of metal. "Shut up. Just shut up. When you and your friends can get your attitude in check, I'll talk to you again. But until then, just leave us alone while we're stuck here," Sydney said firmly. She walked to go see Corinne, leaving Freddy alone in his room.

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