We're Safe...For Now

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*This is the last chapter, sadly. However, there shall be a sequel, since people seemed to like this story so much :3*

When Sydney and her friends awoke, they were no longer in the pizzeria. A bright light shown over where they were, and there was beeping. Sydney tried to sit up, but as soon as she did, there was lots of things bleeping. "Ugh...this is a hospital," Sydney groaned. Every alarm on the machines seemed to be going off. And when her three friends sat up as well, it just made a whole lot more racker. "My head hurts," Corinne whined. "One of my legs is gone. It was replaced by metal," Katelyn said quietly. "At least you didn't lose half a left arm," Will said, showing Katelyn his metal left arm. About five seconds later, five nurses rushed in, along with Sydney's mother, and Sydney's friends' parents. "Stupid machines," Sydney muttered.

"OH MY GOD! SYDNEY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Sydney's mother, Holly, cried. "Mom...what happened?" Sydney asked. While her friends were busy getting fussed over, Holly sat down on a nearby chair. "Do you want to know the truth?" Sydney nodded. For everything that had happened, there had to be an explanation.

"You see...those animatronics wanted to keep you safe when I first took you to their pizzeria. They knew that you, and your friends, were special. And as long as I knew they would always protect you, I was okay. That is...until the final day I took you there. On that day, I saw something...a golden bear, disappear behind the curtain of Pirate's Cove. I suddenly knew that whoever that was, he was not welcome. I just had a feeling. And you probably already got acquainted with him, Goldie, he's called. That blasted golden-" Sydney covered her ears, not wanting to hear her mother curse.

"Yesterday, the police called my house around 4 in the morning. I had gotten home last night, you see. They told me that they had gone to inspect the pizzeria, saying that they detected a power disturbance at that location. When the police, your friends' parents, and I reached the pizzeria, we found you, Corinne, Will, and Katelyn, unconscious and bloody, on the floor. There was also four other humans unconscious, laying beside you. We immediately brought you here, along with the people who were laying by you. The animatronics were missing, and there was no sign of Goldie. Ally, Kat, and Jazmine weren't found..." Holly's voice cracked, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Mom, I know where they went. Goldie's been keeping them hostage to use as bait for us," Sydney said. "H-how do you know, Sydney?" Holly asked, eyes wide. "I had these...dreams...while I was unconscious. They were weird, but I saw Goldie holding them hostage, saying that he would not hurt them. He said he was simply waiting for us to rescue them, and then he'll get his revenge," Sydney said quietly. "Sydney...I have another thing to confess to you. Your name...all of your names...they are fake. I named you Azure at birth, before I gave you a fake
name to protect you. Katelyn's is Crimson, Corinne's is Violet, and Will's is Wrath. They were also given fake names after they were born. I told their parents to do that to protect them. However, I guess Goldie figured everything out..."

Sydney put a comforting hand on her mother's shoulder. "He didn't figure everything out, mom. What can we do to stop him?" Holly was surprised to hear that; she had thought Sydney would have wanted to stay hidden. "You, and your friends, need to adapt to your power. That was the first time you used your powers, correct?" Holly asked. Sydney nodded. "We will take you to this underground facility; the humans we found beside each one of you are already down there. There, you will train for fighting. This is not some little argument. This is a full-out WAR," Holly explained. "Are you sure you want to fight, Sydney?" Sydney nodded, a determined look on her face. Holly nodded back. "I'll go get the nurses to bring you food. You must be hungry," Holly asked. A smile spread across Sydney's face. "Yesss..." she said. "Okay, me and your friends' parents will go get the nurses and talk outside for a bit."

"Sydney, what's your real name?" Will asked. "Azure," she answered. "Mine's Crimson!" Katelyn yelled. "Mine's Violet...it sounds pretty!" Corinne chirped. "Mine's better than all of yours! Mine's Wrath!" Will said, puffing his chest out. "To Chica, you might be a superhero, but to us, you're a weirdo," Violet giggled, flipping her blonde hair out of her face. "Yea, yea, WHATEVER!" Wrath pouted. "You guys are embarrassing!" Crimson stuck her tongue out.

Azure rolled her eyes and looked out the window. For a second, she thought she saw the human form of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy outside. Then she saw the phrase "It's Me" written on the foggy window. Azure smiled. She knew that they would see them again when she and her friends healed. Before she went back to sleep, she spoke to herself.

"I knew they had feelings. Otherwise, I would have forgotten about them completely." Then she fell asleep, with dreams of seeing the animatronics again. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any surprises.

*This is it! A sequel will begin shortly. And it will begin; don't rush a good story! Anyway, peace, love, until next time!*

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