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All of the humans were hanging out in the supply closet instead of the security office. A new night guard started working tonight, and peering out the door every so often, it didn't seem like he would last for five nights.

"This is fun to watch!" Katelyn giggled. Katelyn always played video games in which people died or got beaten up, so this was no exception. "Katie, you gotta hush up! We don't want the security guard to notice us!" Sydney whispered. "How come there's a camera then?" Will pointed out. "I shut off that camera a while ago. I'll turn it back on when the security guard finishes night five or dies," Sydney said. "We also made sure that Bonnie wouldn't come in here. We put a note on the door," Jazmine laughed. "Why does he like this place so much? Is it because he likes to bathe in the cleaning supplies?" Kat said, trying not to laugh. "Well, he did have a bunch of blood and mucus on him from 1987," Sydney said. Everyone cracked jokes for the next two hours until they heard a screech.

"Who got the guard this time?" Corinne asked. "Yes! Chica did! She's so awesome!" Will said, doing a victory dance. "Oh dear, you really are lovesick aren't you?" Sydney asked. "Well...she thinks of me as 'just a friend.' I don't know why," Will smiled sadly. Corinne put a hand on his shoulder. "It's the same way with Bonnie too. He only hugs me, but it's a fast hug over in a second," Corinne said. "I feel bad for Sydney. Freddy just watches her all the time. She hates when people stare at her, and he isn't helping," Ally said. "I-it's fine. I don't need him to like me. I really don't need HIM, come to think of it," Sydney said, obviously trying to hide the truth. " you like Freddy, though?"

Sydney stayed silent for a minute or two. Everyone, including Will, was looking for an answer. Then, all of a sudden, Sydney started crying. Kat and Jazmine's eyes widened and they hugged her. Corinne, Katie, Ally, and Will joined in on the hug. "I-I really d-don't k-know a-anymore. I-I'm s-scared of h-him and i-if I t-told him, I'm s-scared h-he w-would..." Sydney only cried harder. "We know. He's already beaten you too much. I don't think she ought to tell him...EVER," Corinne said firmly. Everyone nodded, and Sydney wiped her tears off her face. "If Freddy was human...and actually understood what pain I'm feeling over this...everything would be different." Katelyn smiled sadly. "Yea...Foxy got mad at me the other day because my legs were too sore to run with him that day. He threw me against the wall," she said. Katelyn never showed emotions when she got hurt, but she returned the pain to her opponent. "Let me guess: you whacked him with a chair?" Ally said with an evil face. "You mean MR. CHAIR," Katelyn corrected. Everyone spent their time making funny complaints about the animatronics, trying not to hear the painful screams coming from the backstage area.

Around 4:00 in the morning, everyone was asleep except for Sydney, Corinne, Will, and Katelyn. "Sydney! I can't go to sleep!" Will whined. "And I can't go to sleep because Will keeps whining!" Katelyn muttered. "Lullaby please!" Will asked. Sydney shook her head. "Pwetty pwease?" Will asked again, this time with those big, blue, puppy-dog eyes that could get him anything he wanted. "Ugh, fine." There was no use fighting that face. "Will is such a child," Katelyn said. "Quiet! I like Sydney's singing!" Will shushed her. Sydney thought about what song would make Will fall asleep. "Psst! Sydney! Sing him Enchanted! He'll dream about Chica all night!" Corinne whispered. Sydney giggled solfty and then began singing.

*This night is sparkling, don't you let it go...I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home...I'll spend forever, wondering if you knew...

This night is flawless, don't you let it go...I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone...I'll spend forever, wondering if you knew...I was enchanted to meet you...*

It didn't take long for Will to fall asleep with a peaceful look on his face. "Katie fell asleep too!" Corinne giggled. "That was beautiful though," she smiled, and the two best friends hugged each other. That is, until the door swung open five seconds later.

"THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES," Freddy said in a dark voice. Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica stood behind him. They all had black eyes with the white pupils, and they were all covered in blood. None the less, it was frightening. "W-what do you mean?" Sydney's voice squeaked at the end. Corinne stared wide-eyed at the blood-covered animatronics. She was shaking with fear. Without any warning, Corinne nearly crushed Sydney in a hug, beginning to cry. Again, the animatronics have hurt one of the humans. This needed to stop; however, no one knew what to do. All of a sudden, Katelyn and Will shot up from their sleeping positions, and they no longer had peaceful looks on their faces. "WHAT THE HE-" Will shot a hand over his mouth to refrain from cursing. Katelyn stared at them, a look of pure hate on her face. No one messed with her friends, or she would lose it. Sydney reached behind her for a metal pipe, ready to fight for their lives. Then all of a sudden, the black eyes were gone, and the animatronics' hands went to clutch their heads. It seemed like they were trying to get rid of a headache. After a minute of clutching his head, Bonnie looked at the frightened humans.

"Corinne?! Wait, what happened?!" Bonnie said, his regular pink eyes looking around quickly. Freddy was still clutching his head; so were Foxy and Chica. The animatronics were shaking violently, as well. Corinne was crying harder than ever, Sydney still clutched the metal pipe, and Will and Katelyn were trying to comfort Corinne. Sydney looked up at Bonnie, then back at Freddy and the other animatronics. They must have made a lot of noise, because Ally, Kat, and Jazmine woke up abruptly. "Guys? Wait, why is Corinne crying?! Why is there blood on the animatronics?! What is going on?!" Jazmine began to panic. Ally and Kat pulled Sydney over with them. Freddy suddenly regained his head, and looked at Sydney's face. Again, he had hurt her. Foxy and Chica had regained their heads as well, and they also realized the same horrible truth. "Guys..." Sydney started. She couldn't find the right words to say; this hadn't happened before. The animatronics just looked at her, waiting for the horrible words to fall out of her mouth.

"You need to tell us why you keep hurting us."

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