Secret Plans

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Corinne and Katelyn squealed loud enough to break glass. "Ow, okay then," Sydney said, hands over her ears. "You really did kiss him?" Katelyn asked. "Well, duh you dummie! She just said so!" Corinne punched Katelyn in the arm. "I basically kissed him on the head and walked away," Sydney said. Someone's phone beeped.

"I just got a reminder on my phone. I set that reminder three weeks ago," Corinne said. "Anyway, it said the Tribeca Academy's Annual Snow Gala was tonight. I had my dress picked out and everything..."Corinne pouted. "We could go, but we gotta get out of the pizzeria. And the way that they watch us like hawks every single second isn't helping," Katelyn pointed at Foxy, who was peering out of his curtain to see what they were doing. Katelyn smiled innocently, and then Foxy went back behind the curtain. "Like that, you see? We gotta keep this a secret!" she said, whisper-yelling. "Let's go to the security office and shut the doors; they won't be able to hear us from out here," Corinne suggested. "Let's go find Ally, Kat, Jaz, and Will. They would DEFINITELY want to come," Sydney said.


When everyone made it to the security room, Ally shut both of the doors. "So you guys!" Jazmine said excitedly. "Sydney? Do you have our dress pictures?" Ally asked. "Yep! And you want to wear cowboy boots with your dress, don't you?" Corinne giggled. "You
already know what the answer is. I will and forever always wear my cowboy boots." Ally lifted up her pant leg to show a brand-new pair of brown and silver cowboy boots. "Hahaha, okay then. I guess we need to show each other our outfits," Kat said, scrolling through the pictures on Sydney's phone. "I'm wearing a black and yellow suit with a purple bow tie. Nothing special," Will said. A blush was slightly visible on his cheeks.
"Awwww, are you wearing that for Chica? That is so cute!" Corinne giggled. "N-no I'm not!" Will protested. His angry denial made the situation so funny that everyone began laughing and rolling on the ground. "Hahaha, okay, we need to show you these dresses," Sydney said, getting everyone back on topic.

*click on the link to see the dresses*

Corinne's dress was a flowing purple gown. It was strapless, with a sparkly torso, and a purple flower on the waist line. The gown flowed to the ground in a layered, full purple skirt. Since she had always liked purple, she bought that dress.

Katelyn's dress was colored flaming crimson. It was a long gown, like Corinne's, but it was narrower and had a slit on the left leg side. The dress had an halter top; it connected around the neck. The torso was decorated with sparkly golden swirls. The dress matched Katelyn's flaming personality and made her look stunning to those who did not know her.

Ally's dress went with her brown cowboy boots with the silver swirls. Hers was a silver cocktail dress, shorter in the front, longer in the back. The torso was dotted with silver sparkles all over it. As plain as it sounded, no one looked better in it than Ally.

Jazmine's dress was a teal, one-shouldered number. It was a full-layered gown, with a teal skirt. Silver sparkles almost dominated the top of the dress. Teal looked very good on Jazmine; she just never wore the color a lot. Either way, when she first tried on the dress, everyone quickly nodded in approval.

Kat's dress was a strapless, baby-pink gown. It had a full-layered skirt, but it only had a silver, bejeweled belt at the waist line. She said she was going to pin her hair up in sparkly barrettes, to make it look like she was wearing a silver crown. No doubt about it, Kat was going to look like royalty.

Sydney's dress was truly shocking to Will. Sydney chose a white dress, instead of dark blue dress like she normally picks. Anyways, the white dress was strapless, with teardrop-shaped sparkles outlines the top on of the dress. The sparkles also dotted the waistline. The skirt was fully-layered, and it looked very much like a princess gown. Sydney's dark brown hair was to be curled and pinned up in sparkly, snowflake barrettes.

After showing all the pictures, Will's mouth was hanging open wide.

"Wow..." Will breathed. Sydney noticed that he was drooling. "Eww, Will! Clean up your drool jet!" Sydney did her best British accent. "Someone's being lady-like today...people who are lady-like are boooring," Will said, yawning. "We aren't so boring when we pick up a chair and smack you across the face," Corinne retorted. "Those really are pretty dresses though..." Will switched back to the topic. "Wish I had a date though..." Katelyn sighed. "We all don't have dates. Let this be our surprise return to the school," Jazmine said. "I can't wait to see how much Algebra work I have to make up. It'll be so fun!" Kat said sacrastically. Ally laughed and then her face grew serious. "There's one problem though: we'll never make it out the door before the animatronics catch us."

Everyone grew quiet. Sydney knew that they were all psyched about going to this dance; it would be their last Snow Gala EVER. However, she was hurt to realize that they could not leave. She had to think of something; she just HAD to. Otherwise, her friends will literally cry over not being able to go. This is a lot like Cinderella, where she got locked in her room and had to find a way downstairs in time to try on the slipper, Sydney thought. "Hey, Siddles?" Ally spoke up. Sydney broke her train of thoughts and turned her attention towards Ally. "I think I have a way we can get out of here...just for tonight."

Sydney and Ally excused themselves from their group meeting and walked towards the supply closet, where Wolfie stayed. "Hey, Sydney?" Ally said. She sounded serious. "Yea?" Sydney asked. Ally took a deep breath, and then said,"Are you okay talking to Sage? I'm really sorry, I didn't know that I was using-"

"Hey, it's okay Ally. Besides, he seems to be okay...except for holding a grudge against Freddy," Sydney giggled at the though. "He cares about you...probably a little too much...I just don't want him doing something stupid and messing up everyone's day, just because he hates Freddy," Ally finished. Sydney gave Ally a brofist, and then knocked on the door.

"Sydney? What are you doing? Freddy already labeled me off limits for you and everyone else, except Ally, Kat, and Jazmine," Wolfie said, making sure no one was listening. "I know, I know. But listen, I need a favor," Sydney said quietly. Ally was looking to make sure no one was coming down the hall. "We need you to cause a distraction so that we can sneak out of here for the Snow Gala tonight," Ally said. Wolfie looked at Sydney, then Ally, and then the wall. "I'll help. But you gotta get back when midnight comes. If the animatronics move around and they see you're not there, they are going to come straight to me. Understand?" Sydney nodded, and then Ally hugged Wolfie. "Thanks a bunch, Sage."

*Wolfie's P.O.V.*

Ally hugged me. That's the best thing that's happened since I got brought back to life. And, of course I'm going to help Sydney. Even though she had lost her feelings for me a while ago, I still feel like I need to protect her...and Ally. Ally was the reason I had a second chance right now. She was also my best friend, and we have a bunch in common. I feel like, now, I want Ally by my side, and Sydney can...I don't even know. I'm confused so much; I don't know what's happening around me. I hope I can figure this out soon, because I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out against those animatronics.

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