Alone with Chica

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*While Corinne was with Bonnie, Will was hanging out with Chica*

"Yo duck!" Will said, watching Youtube on his phone. "I'm not a duck!" Chica pouted, crossing her arms. "Do you wanna build a pizza?" Will sang out loud. Chica giggled. "Sure!" Will wondered why she was so peppy all the time, but he liked her. And, to be honest, he still had a kiddie-crush on her. It doesn't matter, Chica probably thought he was aggravating anyway. Chica took his hand and they both skipped to the kitchen.

"Chica, why are there pans everywhere? If Freddy sees this, you're a dead duc- chicken!" Will almost made the mistake of calling her a duck again. "Hehe, points for not saying 'duck', but Freddy hardly ever comes in here." Will cocked his head. "And as for the pots...let's just say I get bored a lot," she said, putting the pots back on the shelves. Will laughed. "You know, I used to do the same thing when I was little. I pretended I was playing drums," he said with a smile. "Anyway, the pizza! I have the dough stuff right here!" she said excitedly. "I have the toppings and sauce somewhere in this cabinet..." Chica said, looking through the shelves. Will began making the dough, and decided to start a pizza fight. He chuckled evilly to himself and threw a handful of flour on Chica.

"WILL!!!" Chica yelled, brushing flour off her bib. "What? I got bored," Will said, smirking. Chica then realized what he wanted to do. "You have no idea what you started, Flour-boy," she said, grinning creepily. She grabbed the pizza sauce, and dumped it on Will's head. "OH, NOW THIS IS WAR!!!" Will yelled, and the pizza fight began.

*a messy time skip*

Chica and Will were having a food fight for the next 2 hours. Eventually, they both got tired and flopped on the floor. " you still like me?" Chica asked quietly. Will turned his head toward hers. "O-of course I like you! Why wouldn't I?" She smiled sadly. "I thought you would hate me after-" she paused, not wanting to remember hitting him with a frying pan. "Forget about it, Chica. It's no big deal. Besides, I called you a duck the entire time, so I probably deserved it!" Will laughed, and awkwardly hugged Chica. Chica giggled, and hugged him back.

"CHICA!!! WILL!!!" Sydney burst in the kitchen, a shocked look on her face. "Well, I was gonna come in here to make a cake, but I see it's too messy. I'll leave and come back later." Chica and Will nervously laughed and went back to hugging each other. Will wasn't aware of it before, but now he knew.

He was in love with Chica the Chicken.

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