Sugar Rush

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The animatronics were hiding, including Wolfie. Wolfie had met the animatronics a while ago, and while Freddy and him secretly hated each other, they acted like besties in front of Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. However, getting back on topic, they were all hiding. Freddy and his friends were hiding from Sydney and her friends because they were all on an EXTREME sugar rush.
Apparently, Katelyn got ahold of A LOT of Mountain Dew. Then Corinne came across a HUGE bunch of candy. Now, they've been living off of mostly pizza and cupcakes for a while now; so it was no surprise that they ate all the candy and drank all the Mountain Dew. However, the animatronics weren't sure they've seen a sugar rush in the extreme.

"earlier that day*

"Sydney, Bonnie hid my top hat. Have you seen it?" Freddy walked into the security office where Sydney and Corinne were. "POTATO!" Corinne yelled. Freddy took a step back. "Are you on drugs or something?" he asked. "YES! NO! I DON'T KNOW! WE JUST HAD A LOT OF CANDY AND MOUNTAIN DEW!" Sydney yelled. Corinne's teal eyes were wide, and she had a goofy smile plastered across her face. Sydney was the same way, and both of them couldn't sit still. Freddy took another step back. "GOTTA GO FAST!!!!" Sydney yelled before bouncing up and running out of the room. "WAIT UP SANIC!!! I HAVE TO POKE YOU!!!!" Corinne shrieked before running after her. Freddy sighed. "Yep, they're on a sugar rush all right. Better go find them."
Well, it didn't take long for Freddy to find out where they were. Sydney and Corinne were terrorizing Bonnie by trying to smack him in the face with his guitar. "KILL THAT ANIMA-VIKING CORINNE!!!!" Sydney yelled. "Guys, wait! I'm Bonnie! Don't kill me please!" Bonnie pleaded. Freddy chuckled and motioned for Bonnie to follow him. Poor Bonnie wasted no time, because the girls apparently forgot that Freddy was their friend too. "AHHH! A BEAR! KILL HIM TOO CORINNE! HE'S SCARY!" Sydney yelled, and the two girls chased the animatronics down the hallway. Freddy dragged Bonnie back into the security office and slammed the doors shut. "I don't think we'll be leaving any time soon," Bonnie said. "You can say that again."


Katelyn and Ally were having just as bad a sugar rush as Sydney and Corinne were. "YOU SHOOT ME DOWN, BUT I WON'T FALL!" Katelyn sang at the top of her lungs, running down the hallways with her tongue out. "I AM TITAAAAANIIIIUUUM!!!!" She kept yelling as she jumped and face planted on the wall. "Lass, are ye drunk?" Foxy asked. "YES! NO! MAYBE! I HAD TOO MUCH MOUNTAIN DEW!" Katelyn yelled, bouncing up and ran past him. "AIN'T NOBODY GONNA SLOW ME DOWN! I GOT TO KEEP ON MOVING!" Katelyn sang as she ran around the dining tables. Apparently, Katelyn liked to sing a lot when she was on a sugar rush. "Argh, lass, ye singin' needs some work," Foxy noted. Katelyn stopped running for a couple seconds. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I'M FABULOUS!" Katelyn yelled over-excitedly. Then she began laughing like a French person, and started running around again. Foxy just stood there, not knowing what to do. "HEY LOOK! IT'S SANIC THE HEDGEFOX!" Katelyn shrieked, and ran to tackle Foxy. "Argh, I ain't no Sanic!" he yelled, trying to lose Katelyn. Lucky for him, someone opened the door just in time for him to run in the security office. "Argh, the lass has lost er' mind," Foxy said, out of breath. "Enlighten us," the two other animatronics said in unison.
Soon, they were joined by Wolfie. "God dang that Ally chic. She thought she was this Olympian god. She kept throwing forks at me, yelling, 'THUNDERBOLTS!' and then I ran for it." The other animatronics tried to think of something to do about the sugar rush problem, and then Chica joined them. "There is no cure for a sugar rush. Basically, they have to tire themselves out," she said, flopping down beside Foxy. She was covered in cupcake batter and pizza sauce. "Aye, lassie, what happened to ye?" Foxy said. "You look worse than Bonnie did when he ran into a rack of pizzas one time!" Freddy chuckled, remembering the pizza-covered Bonnie. "Shut up and let me explain. Will was technically 'taking a shower' in cupcake batter and pizza sauce and singing that horrible song by Becky G. It was sooo embarrassing!" Chica whined. The others cracked up laughing. That was apparently the funniest thing they've ever heard. "I guess we should just wait here until the others let up," Freddy said. Bonnie and Wolfie turned on the lights, and they saw Kat and Jazmine right outside with the others. They were making faces at them. Freddy sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Which means, we won't be leaving any time soon."

*flashback ends*

The animtronics waited for at least 4 hours for the others to go away. Then, as if by magic, there was the sound of someone falling on the floor. Freddy looked outside, and saw that Sydney had fallen asleep on the floor beside Corinne, Katelyn, and Will. Ally, Kat, and Jazmine were staring through the right door window and had fallen asleep on that side. "Hehe, she's so cute when she's asleep," Freddy said, picking up Sydney. "So is Corinne," Bonnie said, picking up Corinne. "Argh, finally, the lass came to er' senses," Foxy chuckled, picking up Katelyn. "It's kinda weird how I'm carrying Will, you know?" Chica said. Freddy hushed them all, not wanting to wake them up. "Wolfie, get Ally, Jazmine, and Kat back to the backstage area. There's a couch in there." Wolfie nodded, and went to pick up the three girls. Then, the four other animatronics carried the worn-out group of friends back to their rooms.

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