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Six of the seven friends dashed around the pizzeria, trying to find the animatronic. "Ally? What exactly IS this project?" Will asked. "I-it's a new animatronic..." Ally stuttered. "What if it tries to kill us like those four did?!" Corinne shrieked. "It won't!" Jazmine said. "How can you be sure?!" Corinne yelled. "She just knows," Kat says. Corinne shook her head. "Will, take her back to Bonnie's room. She's about to go into hysterics," Katelyn said. Will's eyes widened before he ran towards Bonnie's room, dragging Corinne with him.
"Okay, we all need to calm down," Ally said. "Have we checked in the animatronic's rooms?" Katelyn nodded. "Okay, we checked everywhere and-"
"We forgot to check Freddy's room," Katelyn's tone darkened.
Sydney had gotten this feeling that something was in Freddy's room. She just, had this weird sense that there was someone she knew nearby...she just didn't know who. "Okay, the animatronics are busy checking the kitchen, I saw. The only place left is here..." Sydney was talking to herself. "I just don't think I wanna go there," she finished. There was more racket coming from inside Freddy's room. Sydney, uneasy about what was inside, slowly opened the door. There, none the less, was Ally's so-called-project.
There, going through a chest of weapons, was a wolf animatronic. He was silver, with silver, sparkling eyes, a long tail, and fluffy ears. He looked similar to Foxy, only the animatronic had fixed teeth. No part of him was showing his endoskeleton, either. Sydney stared with wide eyes at the animatronic. And, to be honest, he was gorgeous. But she already liked someone else much, much better; she was certain. The animatronic wolf approached her, claws held up as if he wanted to scratch her. Sydney shut her eyes tightly. However, nothing happened. And then, the animatronic opened his mouth to speak.
"S-S-Sydney?" The animatronic stuttered.
"ALLY!!!!!" Sydney cried. In literally five seconds flat, Ally, Kat, Jaz, and Katelyn were in the room. "Ally..." Sydney began. Ally looked at Sydney with wide eyes. "When you put together this animatronic in an attempt to make it like the others, who's body did you use?" Sydney asked in a frightened tone. "I-it was this guy I found in a Freddy Faz suit. He was about your height, with blue eyes, tan skin, and brown hair. Why do you ask?" Sydney's eyes immediately grew wider than before.
"Ally...you made my old friend Sage into an animatronic."
The silver wolf stood silently. "Sage...is that...you?" Sydney asked. She was on the verge of tears. "Y-yes," Sage replied. His voicebox was glitchy for a second. "I guess we should call you Wolfie now..." Ally said. Sage's animatronic smiled. "Sure thing," he said. "Oh, Sa- Wolfie, why were you digging through the weapons chest?" Sydney asked.
"I'm looking for something to get revenge on a certain animatronic I know."

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