Alone With Bonnie

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*This is mostly about the character Corinne*

Corinne was doing a full split on the floor of Bonnie's room. "Doesn't that hurt?" Bonnie asked. He did not know what a split was, much less how to do one. "Ow, nope!" she said with a laugh. Bonnie laughed, "Are you sure?" Corinne didn't say anything, and then shook her head. Bonnie chuckled and lifted her out of the split. "Thank you, that hurt so much," Corinne said, shaking her legs out. "So...what do you want to do?" Bonnie asked, putting his arm around Corinne. Corinne smirked and decided to play with him a little bit.

"Swiggity swall, you're really tall," Corinne said, giggling. It was a fact. Bonnie was a good 4 inches taller than the girl. He cocked his head. "What?" Corinne didn't answer, and made up another rhyme. "Swiggity my, what's with that tie?" Bonnie tugged on his tie, thinking it was messed up. Corinne was about to bust out into hysterical laughter. She put her hand on Bonnie's guitar and picked it up. She took three steps toward the door. "Swiggity switar, I'm taking your guitar!" Corinne laughed as she pranced out of the room. "Come back here you guitar thief!"

Bonnie chased Corinne around the pizzeria nonstop. Corinne decided to make it even more fun by hiding under the security room desk. "Corinne! I hope you're in a good hiding spot!" Bonnie teased, walking towards the security office. "Okay, Corinne is a terrible Hide and Seek player, because I know EXACTLY where she is," the purple rabbit smirked as he walked towards the desk. Corinne suppressed her giggles as he came closer...

And closer...



Corinne let out a playful squeal as Bonnie yanked her out from under the desk. "How am I supposed to punish someone like you?" Corinne shrugged, smiling cutely. Bonnie chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. "You know, you're extremely soft, for an animatronic," Corinne said softly, laying her head where Bonnie's heart would be. "I am a rabbit, after all," he said, hugging Corinne back.

*Sorry if this chapter was short, I'm having a hard time thinking of stuff*

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