Alone With Foxy

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*Katelyn was in Pirates Cove, playing the Fnaf G-mod with Sydney*
"Wow, I actually get to play around in the thingie," Katelyn said, giving Sydney a high five at her face through Skype. "That means we'll go wander around and die!" Sydney said sarcastically. Sydney never liked to die on video games, even on G-mod when you can respawn every time. "Hold up, I'm going to look Freddy straight in the face," Sydney said, suppressing a giggle. Since this was the Fnaf G-mod, it was similar to the actual place, but it was way less scary. You could also play as any character the game has. As for now, Sydney was SpongeBob, and Katelyn was Patrick Star.
"How do you know when they're gonna start attacking?" Katelyn asked, looking in the backstage area. "You don't, they'll just start-AYYYEE STAHP IT! Oh, so now they decided to attack. Give me a warning would you, Freddy?" Katelyn fell off a chair, laughing like a hyena. "Ur laugh sounds like a dyin' hyena, lass," Foxy walked in, covering his ears. "An' whoever was screamin' made me metal ears bleed," he muttered. This only made Katelyn laugh more. "That was Sydney playing G-mod, and she wasn't paying attention and didn't move before Freddy killed her. Her reaction, priceless!" Sydney groaned,"Shut up, Katie! I almost had a heart attack!" Foxy shook his head. "Are ye sure ye didn't have one already?" Sydney squinted her eyes at him. "Okay, I'll lend you my computer. Let you see how not-scary it is." A bunch of footsteps were heard in the hall, and Sydney poked her head in and tossed Foxy her computer. "Have fun, you two."
"Er...Katie?" Katelyn looked up from her computer screen. " do ye play this?" Foxy asked. Apparently, he had never played a video game before. Katelyn showed him what to do on G-mod, and went back to playing. "Hey, I found Bonnie! He doesn't look so mean," Katelyn said, moving her character up in front of the large, purple rabbit. "Ye wish, lass. Bonnie on the grumpy side." Katelyn wasn't listening. "I wanna give him a hug. I'm gonna try," she said, moving closer to the bunny. "Lass, I wouldn't-" Foxy was cut off by a screeching sound, and then he met Katelyn' character back in the security office. "All I wanted was a hug. If he's actually that mean, I'll start calling him the Easter Bunny!" Katelyn pouted, crossing her arms. Foxy did his ridiculous pirate laugh and put his arm around Katelyn. She immediately shoved it off.
"Ye said ye wanted a hug," Foxy said, looking hurt. Katelyn took another look at his face, and her face softened. "Guys don't normally hug me...much less male animatronics," she said. "Normally I'm considered one of the guys." Foxy put his arm around Katelyn, and this time, she didn't flinch. Then he put his other arm around her, and she blushed a bit. Pretty soon, they were hugging. "How come ye don't flinch when I hug you like this?" Foxy asked. Katelyn shrugged, and went back to hugging him. He was soft, almost like a plushie.
"I'll finish the game later."

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