Running...Running...Running...Oh Crap.

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The animatronics busted in the office as soon as the group of friends ran out of it. "Don't let them escape," Freddy's normally cheerful voice was dark, sadistic. "I don't normally team up with Foxy, but us two will go catch Katelyn and Sydney. They do, after all, belong with us." Bonnie cut in. "Can we hurry up and catch who we catch? We'll switch them up later!" he muttered. Without another word, the animatronics went to go chase down Sydney and her friends.

*The Backstage Area*

Corinne and Will had split up from Sydney, Sage, and Katie a couple hundred laps around the dining area ago. Bonnie had gone after them along with Chica, and the animatronics were chasing them around the dining tables. Then Bonnie ran into Chica, allowing them time to hide. And what better way to hide than in the backstage area? "Will..." Corinne whispered, "Did you ever wonder what was inside those suits?" Will shook his head. "Corinne. Two of those animatronics are right outside. If they see your shadow, they're gonna get us!" Corinne still insisted on crawling out from under the table. "It's, okay Will. They won't see me or my shadow because they're too busy running around." Sighing, Will nodded his head and helped boost Corinne. "Do you see anything yet?" Corinne squinted at the inside of a Freddy Fazbear suit. "Almost, there's....OH MY GOD!!!"

Corinne fell off Will's back and hit the ground beside him. "What- what did you see? What the heck did you see, Cori?!" Corinne was coughing. "The security guard...who died last week...was in there. Mangled, destroyed...eyeballs and teeth poking out the front of the mask," she said, and then she threw up on the ground beside the suit. They must have made quite a racket, because someone behind them let out another mechanical screech. "SCREEEEEEEEE!!!" The scream came from Bonnie, louder than Freddy, loud enough to make anyone's eardrums bleed. Bonnie lurched forward, and picked Corinne up by the legs, holding her upside down. Then, turning toward Will, he kicked him in the face. Will's nose was bleeding, but other than that, he was okay. "Put her down! You bow-tie-wearing oaf!" he shouted. That's when he saw Chica, running to get him. "Oh, crap!" Corinne, still being held upside down, managed to say one last thing before he began running. "Save yourself!" she said. Will couldn't reply, as Chica had reached him and he ran towards the kitchen. Bonnie chuckled before changing Corinne's position to look him in the face. Corinne whimpered some before Bonnie tucked a long, blonde strand of hair from her thin face. Her teal eyes glistened with tears, her skinny body going limp. "Looks like it's game over for you, Corinne."

*The Dining Area and the West and East Halls*

Sydney and Katelyn were getting chased by Freddy and Foxy. Now, you might think that Foxy could easily catch Katelyn. He was, in fact, quite fast. However, as some people may say, no one compares to Katelyn. As much as she plays video games, she also plays tournament soccer, and she can run like no tomorrow. Anyway, Foxy began chasing Katie down the west and east halls, and around the dining area, knocking over a few of the dusty chairs.,"Argh, lassie! Get ur' booty back here!" he growled, nearly catching Katelyn by the shirt. "You're just too slow! Forget it!" she teased the pirate fox. "Argh, when I catch you, ye be walkin' the plank, lassie." Katelyn rolled her eyes, "Yea right."

Freddy was still after Sydney. She almost got caught 5 times. After that, she ran to hide somewhere in the dining area. Sydney, who was crawling under the old dining tables, bumped into...a suit? "W-what's this doing here?" Sydney's voice quivered with fear. She touched the suit, and it fell with the head off towards her. There, right in that suit, was Sage.

She may have not liked Sage as a boyfriend, but he was always nice to her, always a gentleman. Now, here he was, dead because of the choice she made to come here. How could she accept that as reality? Shaking in agony, fear, anger, and confusion, Sydney let out a loud cry of agony and buried her face in her hands. "This isn't real! This isn't real! This isn't real!" she sobbed, waiting for her demise. Surely enough, two strong, brown, mechanical arms yanked her out of underneath one of the dining tables. Freddy grinned maniacally at her, and held her the same way Bonnie held Corinne. "Game over for three of them...such a shame."

"Ye mean four, Freddy," Foxy said with a creepy smirk. There, being held upside down, was Katelyn. She wasn't crying, wasn't screaming in horror, but her facial expression said it all. Anger, fear, sadness, confusion, it was all there. It was the same face Sydney had made when she saw Sage's mangled corpse. The same face they had made 15 years ago when they were dragged out of the pizzeria. "Sydney..." Katie had trouble finding words to say. "I'm so sorry," she finished, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Lassie, game over for ye, as well."

Bonnie walked in, holding a beat-up, sobbing Corinne. "Where's Chica?" A cheerful chirp from behind the animatronics let them know. "Hey guys! I got the boy!" Chica chirped, holding Will by the shirt. He had a large, red smack mark on his forehead. "I had to hit him with a frying pan to knock him out. He wouldn't quit squirming." Sydney, who was silently crying, spoke up. "Why haven't you shoved us into suits like you did with Sage?"

The animatronic bear looked down at her pale face. "We don't want to...yet."

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