Feelings of Pain

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Sydney had given up on loosening her handcuffs an hour ago. Somehow, Sydney still had her phone in her pocket. She was chained, but Sydney could freely move her fingers. "Hehe," she whispered to herself, "Freddy's asleep, so I can use my phone until he wakes up." Sydney giggled to herself as she pulled out her phone. "6 am. Mom's expecting me back soon," she smiled sadly. "I need to figure out...why he hates me so much...I used to love him when I was little, and he loved me back. But why is Freddy doing this to me, and why are the others doing the same to my friends? This is all so much, it's making my head-"

Sydney was cut off by a large mechanical hand smack her across the face. She looked up to see Freddy. His eyes were black, with white, pin-prick sized pupils. "Talk." Sydney shook her head, avoiding his gaze. "TALK TO ME," his tone was louder. Freddy grabbed her chin and tilted her head up to face him. Another hand came across Sydney's face, leaving another red mark. "I used to like you when I was little. Then you did this. And now I realized something: I hate you. I will never talk to you, even if you threaten to stuff me in a suit. That's all I'm going to say." Sydney's facial expression turned to shock after what she'd just said. Now she was going to pay for it. Freddy was still staring at her, his angry expression seemed even bigger, if that was possible.

"SYDNEY!!!!" Will, Katie, and Corinne said as they burst in the room. Sydney wasn't there. "Foxy, you told me she'd be in here," Katie said to the animatronic behind her. "Aye, I did. But I bet ye' the lass said somethin' she shouldn't have." Chica and Bonnie jumped, all of a sudden, as if they just sat on a thumbtack. "Argh, ye' heard it too?" The other two animatronics nodded. "It was Sydney, all right. Sounded like someone is sadistically torturing her," Will said, growing pale. Corinne and Katelyn's eyes widened, and before the animatronics could say anything, the three humans had bolted down the hall.

*The Backstage Area*

The three humans bolted down the hall, calling for Sydney. But poor Sydney, was being used as a punching bag for Freddy. Bloody, bruised, scared, confused, and angry, it sounded like she was on the edge of insanity. "APOLOGIZE," the brown animatronic snarled, punching Sydney again across the face. "AAIIIIEEEE!" Sydney sobbed in pain as Freddy kicked her in the stomach. "APOLOGIZE!" he said, reaching for a sharp tool of some sort. Sydney's eyes widened at this, but she still hesitated to say sorry. "Last chance, you no-good-girl," he warned, holding the sharp tool to her stomach. "I-I-I'm sorry," she whispered. Freddy stopped still. He had seen the face. Anger, fear, confusion, sadness. He could never forget that face. He immediately undid the handcuffs. "What have I done?" he whispered, stroking Sydney's dark brown hair. "You beat me up pretty badly, but I'm okay," she whispered back. Freddy brought the girl into a tight hug.

"SYDNEY!!!" Will bursted into the backstage area and saw the animatronic holding Sydney to his chest. "CHICA!!! HE'S IN HERE!!" he yelled to Chica, who came running to Will's side. Sydney looked up and gave an uneasy smile. "Did he hurt you? I'll kill him for it, if he did," Chica said, taking Sydney from Freddy's grip and letting Will hug her. "He hurt me some. It's no big deal," Sydney said, breaking the hug. "Are you sure?" Will asked, looking out of breath. "I'm sure." Sydney looked back at Freddy, who was getting comforted by Chica. "Corinne and Katelyn couldn't stand to see what he was doing to you. They're...back in Bonnie and Foxy's rooms." Sydney nodded, and walked over to Freddy. Taking his hand, she took him back to his room. Tired, and exhausted from having been beaten so much, Sydney fell asleep. Freddy took one look at her before picking her up, and cuddling her on his bed. Then he fell asleep, not wanting to let her go.

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