Beginning of the Nightmare

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Sydney and the others stood in front of the shut-down pizzeria, and all the memories came flooding back. "I hope the animatronics are still here, I wanna see if Foxy still remembers me," Katie said with a smile. "Yo Will, ya still got that crush on Chica?" Sydney said with a giggle. "N-no!" I don't! W-why would you bring that up?!" Will said, blushing. The three girls broke into laughing fits, and the Sage walked up to meet them at the door. "That's a good selfie, Siddles," he smirked. Sydney shook her head. "Of course he sees me when I laugh like that," she muttered. Sage looked at the brunette. "Stop staring at me," Sydney groaned, nudging Sage. "What? I wasn't staring!" he said in protest. "You were too!" Corinne and Katie chimed in. Will rolled his eyes back in his head, which is what he did when he got bored. "Are we gonna go in, or nah?" Sydney nodded with a smile.

When they walked inside the pizzeria, they expected the chipped paint on the walls, the dusty tables and chairs, and the moldy smell. They did not expect to see the animatronics, still in their positions on the show stage. "Geez, this place is wayyyy creepier at night," Corinne said, hugging Sydney's arm. "Yea...something tells me we should've stayed home..." Will said, hugging Sydney's other arm. Sage checked his watch. 11:48. "We have 12 minutes until we have to go into the security office," he said. "I'll go set up, if you want." Sydney smiled at him. "Okay, but...make sure no one's behind you." Sage nodded and headed down the east hall into the security room. Sydney, Corinne, and Will walked up to the stage and looked up at their favorite animatronics. "Well, we're back, it looks like," Sydney said, looking into Freddy's azure-blue eyes. She shivered. "And..." She paused. "I'm sorry for not coming back, my mother would never let me come back after that day..." Sydney finished. Will and Katie nodded to her.

11:57. It was time.

*12 am*

Another security guard called them on the phone. It took a very long time for him to finish, but Sydney summarized it to:

*The animatronics move around at night, and if they find you, you're toast. Use your power wisely, close the doors if you spot them with the lights outside the doors*

"I've been in this office before, but I never noticed the doors and lights," Corinne said, pushing the door button. "Don't do that! We gotta save power!" Katelyn said, opening the door back up. "Sydney! Bonnie went out for a walk this way!" Will said in a warning tone. "He jumped across the building? Not possible," Sage said, looking at the camera. "Uh...forget I said that, watch the door and use those lights, Corinne." Corinne jumped off the chair, and walked over to the light button. When she pushed it, Sydney let out a choked scream. Katelyn slammed the door button and pulled Corinne away. Will hugged Corinne, and Sage hugged Sydney.

*1 am*

Right after Bonnie showed up, it turned 1 am. "H-he was staring right into my soul!" Corinne sobbed. "I-it was s-so s-scary!!!" Sydney and Katelyn looked at each other. "Nobody's moved since Bonnie went for Corinne," Will said. It continued to be like that for the next 2 hours.
*4 am*
"Uh-oh. Guys, all three of them are gone." Sydney looked at him. "What about the 4th one?" Will's mouth suddenly fell open so wide, it could have touched the floor. "I FORGOT TO CHECK PIRATE'S COVE!!!!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the table. Sydney looked paler than usual, and Corinne and Katelyn weren't so tan anymore. Sage looked like he was gonna throw up. Sydney, who was shaking by this point, turned on the left door light.

All 4 animatronics stared directly at her, maniacal grins on their faces. Freddy let out a piercing, mechanical screech, and his arm lurched forward to grab Sydney by the throat. "SYDNEY!!!!" Sage yelled, and he pulled Sydney away just in time.

Sydney looked towards the animatronics, and back at her four terrified friends.


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