How Did You Get Here?

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*Three new characters are introduced in this chapter*
Well, what Sydney said had apparently worked; Freddy and his friends weren't bothering them anymore. However, they were still stuck there, but they had phones, laptops, and video games to keep them busy. "Yo, Sydney! Check the news! There's something you want to see!" Will said, pausing his Amnesia game. "Okay," Sydney said, opening her Fox News app on her phone.
The newcast was about their disappearance.
*It was reported today that five people were reported missing after taking a nightshift job at the abandoned Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Authorities are still questioning the manager on why there needs to be a nightguard. He has refused to tell us so far. The people reported missing were Sage Anderson, Corinne Collins, Katelyn Remmings, Will Hutchinson, and Sydney Trinnian. Apparently, their communication has not been cut off, as our sources have detected texts and gaming signals being received from their devices, indicating that they may be still alive. More reports on this shortly*
"They just said that we may be still alive. How many idiots are gonna jump at a chance for a lot of money when they're probably gonna die anyway," Will said, trying to get his character away from the Amnesia monster (The Bro.) Sydney suddenly tensed up. "What if our own friends came in here and we couldn't save them in time!" Will paused his game and went over and gave her a hug. "Sydney, you worry too much. Besides, we'll save them if they do come in here to find us." Sydney looked up. "Promise?" Will smiled. "Promise." Sydney swore she heard Freddy growl from outside the door. However, she could care less about anything to do with him.
*time skip*
Sydney woke up to the sound of a door being opened. It wasn't her door, and the office door made a lot more noise when you opened it. It was definitely the front door. Sydney immediately got up and ran towards the front door, unaware that Freddy had woken up as well.
When Sydney got to the dining area, she saw three familiar people. One was really tall with short, curly brown hair and blue eyes. One was medium height with long, brownish-blonde hair, and brown eyes. The last person was shorter than both of them, with frizzy, brownish-blackish hair and dark skin. "Ally? Kat? Jazmine? How did you get here?! And you need to leave!" Sydney whisper-yelled. "We came to come rescue you, Corinne, and Katelyn! And sadly, Will, as well," Ally said, shining her flashlight on Sydney's face. "Ahh, it burns!" Sydney whisper-screamed. The three girls giggled. "And you guys seriously need to leave. If Freddy sees you he'll-" Sydney got cut off by a loud screech. It was Freddy.
"Freddy! If you kill them I swear you'll be disconnected!" Sydney hissed, putting herself between the animatronic and her friends. "He's so terrifying, you guys!" Jazmine squeaked, hiding behind Kat and Ally. "Why should I spare them? What does it matter to you?" Sydney stood up straighter. "I'll make a deal," she said. Freddy raised an eyebrow. "What deal?" Sydney took a deep breath, unaware that the other animatronics and her captured friends were watching. "If you let them live, and stay here, I'll try to love you, be your doll, or whatever it is," Sydney said, still staring Freddy in those blue eyes of his. "Fair enough," he said as he pulled Sydney towards him. "What?! No! I'm pretty sure Sydney would rather commit suicide than be your girl friend," Ally spat, and Kat and Jazmine nodded in agreement. "Guys...I'll be okay. Besides, you deserve to live," Sydney said before Freddy dragged her back to his room. Jazmine looked at the three other animatronics as they whispered among themselves. Corinne and Katelyn ran to hug Ally while Will received free hugs from Katie and Jazmine. Foxy then spoke up. "Tis' not fair for that scoundrel to force the lass to be his girlfriend." Bonnie and Chica nodded in agreement. "Are we seriously gonna try to get Freddy to see that Sydney belongs to no one, and that he can't force someone to love him?" Chica asked. Bonnie sighed. "Yea, we're going to. And we're not going to let up until we make sure he knows his mistakes."

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