Trapped...with Benefits

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It's weird how the animatronics have their own rooms, isn't it? Well, here was Sydney, trying to get out of handcuffs while Freddy literally just watched her. "I would appreciate if you wouldn't stare, it's rude," Sydney muttered. Freddy seemed to be in a trance, because he jumped when she spoke. "I didn't think you would talk to me," he said. Sydney shook her head. "I was scolding you, not talking to you," she said, turning her attention back towards those handcuffs. "God, these things actually are amputating my wrists, they're that tight!" she groaned, managing to loosen the first one. Freddy chuckled as he watched her work away at the other one. "SYDNEY! YOU OKAY?" yelled Katelyn in Foxy's room across the hall. "YEA, I'M GOOD. I'M, GREAT, ACTUALLY," Sydney yelled back sarcastically. Apparently, the rooms were next to each other, and the four friends could yell to each other their conversations.

"SYDNEY! CHICA STOMPED ON MY FEET. IT HURTSSSS!" Will complained from the other room. "DEAL WITH IT," Sydney shot a reply back. "WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH IT?" Sydney groaned and face-palmed, hitting herself with one of the handcuffs. "Ouch! WELL, I CAN'T GO BEAT UP CHICA RIGHT NOW! I'M HANDCUFFED! YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO DEAL!"

Then Corinne joined the yelling conversation. "WHAT'S UP SIDDLES?" her voice squeaked from the other room. "NOTHING MUCH, I'M SITTING HERE AND FREDDY'S STARING AT ME." I heard Katie and Corinne giggle. "I THINK SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH," Katelyn yelled. If she were in this room, she would be wiggling her eyebrows again. I noticed that Freddy had a slight pink tint to his face. He was blushing! Sydney busted into a hysterical fit of laughter. "Why you-" Sydney shut up. "Hey, what do you have against laughing?"

*Bonnie's Room*

Corinne was handcuffed, like Sydney, to the wall of Bonnie's room. However, Bonnie had loosened her handcuffs. Lucky Corinne. Anyway, she was sitting there in silence when she heard Sydney and Katelyn and Will yelling to each other. Soon enough, Will and Katelyn fell asleep; she could hear them snoring from the other room. Bonnie was tuning his guitar (he had figured out that Corinne loved music a while ago.) She thought he wasn't listening, and she decided to say something embarrassing. "HEY SYDNEY?" She yelled. "WHAT CORINNE? I'M TRYING TO GO TO SLEEP!" Corinne giggled and said, "BONNIE'S KIND OF HOT! I WANT TO SEE WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE IN HUMAN FORM!" Sydney busted into another fit of laughter and Corinne could hear Freddy tell her to shut up. "SYDNEY? ARE YOU STILL CRUSHING ON FREDDY?!" she yelled again, totally aware that Bonnie was blushing and listening to her. "MAYBE. HE PROBABLY DOESN'T LIKE ME CAUSE MY LAUGH PROBABLY AGGRAVATES HIM." Corinne then told Sydney goodnight and drifted off to sleep. Bonnie, who still hadn't finished tuning his guitar, looked at Corinne. "I missed you, Corinne, all those years," he said, stroking her long, blonde hair. He then fell asleep beside her.

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