You're Rather Interesting

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Ally, Kat, and Jazmine were working on something special. Sydney was the only one who knew about it, and she wasn't about to tell anyone else. "Ugh, I can't get his head screwed on!" Kat said, throwing the animatronic head on the floor. "That's because it screws on counterclockwise, Kat," Sydney said. She walked over to the animatronic and screwed his head on properly. "Okay, these panels on the back should start him up. Remember, this suit once had a living person, a teenager, inside. Do not hurt him anymore than he has been," Sydney ordered. Her three friends nodded. "Okay, thank you Sydney! We'll try and become friends with him," Jazmine said with a smile. "Okie-dokie," Sydney said, walking towards the dining area.
"Will keeps messing up our dance routine Sydney! He won't get out of the way!" Corinne said, trying to shove Will out of the center of the floor. "But I'm bored!" Will protested, trying to slap Corinne across the face. Katelyn wasn't helping. She was just sitting on the floor and laughing at the two friends. "Shut up and listen!" Sydney eventually ordered. The friends immediately shut up. "Will, move. Katelyn, stop laughing and join us. Me and Corinne are doing this routine," Sydney ordered. "Sydney, how come they always listen to you?" Chica walked up out of nowhere. "Because she always keeps us from killing each other," Corinne laughed. "Yea, she's kinda like a peacemaker," Katelyn pulled up her hair into a high ponytail. "Sydney, you do the splits and stuff. I can't do them," Katelyn said. "What's a split?" Chica asked. Sydney did a full split on the floor in front of Chica. "Oh my god! Doesn't that hurt?!" Chica gasped. "Hehe, nope! I'm already used to doing them, unlike those two over there," Sydney laughed. "Okay, do the leg-thingie where you can lift your leg parallel to your body. I love that one!" Katelyn said. Sydney did the leg stretch. She also did a quick single turn.
"Are you trying to hurt yourself?" Ally walked up. Jazmine and Kat were watching them with Will and the other animatronics. Sydney put her leg down. "Why does everyone ask if this hurts?" Sydney asked in annoyance. Ally raised her hands in defense. "Do your turns! Those looked really cool on Youtube!" Will said. Sydney sighed, and prepared her turn. She did her triple turn, and then a second coming out of it. "That looks hard," Chica said. "I don't want to know what it feels like." Sydney laughed. She looked over towards Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy and they were just staring at her. "What?" Sydney looked at them. "You're...rather interesting," Freddy finally said, cracking a smile. Sydney rolled her eyes. Bonnie suddenly broke out laughing like a maniac and pointed to Corinne and Katelyn. Both of them were fighting again. Sydney sighed and picked up a chair. "If you guys don't stop fighting, I will smash this chair over your heads," Sydney said firmly. Corinne and Katelyn dropped everything and went silent. "Good," Sydney smiled. "I hate you, Sydney," Corinne said. "Uh yea. Sure you do," Sydney said. As the two friends were arguing, Kat interuppted them. "Sydney! Our project is gone!" Sydney turned to face her. "Will! Corinne! Jazmine! Katelyn! Ally! Come help us look. We can't lose it!" The six friends then ran to the backstage area. Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy looked at each other. "What project?" Bonnie asked. Somehow Freddy knew about everything.
"A new animatronic."

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